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(Art by @/martar_marter on twt!)

M/n's Pov

"Is that what you all think even after all this time?" You ask, your tone clearly pained but your expression showing disbelief. "Did any of you even know me? At all?" You muttered looking down at your faded hands before dropping them at your sides dejected. "I had a little hope that maybe after all the time you guys would have realized that I didn't do anything wrong to warrant abandonment." You gripped your hands tightly unable to look up at your parent. "I spent my whole child life with you, you raised me! Cared for me! How could one day change everything like that?" You glared at the floor by your parents feet.
"It wasn't just one day, m/n." Your brother said making you look up swiftly. "Almost every day we would hear what you would do and say to s/n" he said making you furrow your eyebrows confused. "What.. do you mean? Every day? I don't understand" you mumbled while your brother stared at you with a tired expression. "Listen, I don't think we need to spell it to you" Creek interjected making you deflate "you were never even there? And the more that I talk to you all, the more it feels like none of you were.. because I always supported all of you.." you said staring at your brother feeling an overwhelming amount of repressed emotions resurfacing. "I don't know what s/n has been telling you-" before you could defend yourself, the devil herself stepped into view. "I've been telling them the truth. Just like how you still to this day send me mean texts" she said while you just stared at her. You didn't know what to say. You didn't even have a phone! How could you prove that to them though? You couldn't. "How long have they been doing this? Did they ever stop?" Floyd asked making you turn to look at him. Your expression was one of shock and betrayal while you stepped back slightly. Floyd didn't look at you while he stared at your sister waiting for a reply. You looked between your sister and Floyd trying to piece the situation together, your sister smiled at you briefly before speaking "never once. Every day they harass me! I even have receipts" she said pulling out her phone making your jaw drop. How far did she go into this lie? What was even the point? What did she get out of this? "Why do you keep lying.." you mumbled while Floyd looked over at you for a second then back over to your sister while she showed the "receipts". "Do you have the day they were kicked out too? And the day after?" Floyd asked making you stare at him confused. Did he believe her or what? This was overwhelming. "I do! Actually. Those ones were the worst so I saved them." Your sister said pulling up some screenshots where you had apparently been sending beyond disrespectful messages. Floyd grabbed her phone as she extended it to him, before he smiled turning to your parent. "Well, there's this interesting thing I learned. M/n doesn't have a phone, never bought one after you confiscated theirs the day you kicked them out. So how exactly could they have sent these messages to your daughter when they had no phone?" He asked, handing s/n's phone to P/t. "Wait-" P/o said shoving through the many people crowding the doorway. "That's right! P/t.. we paid for that phone and I took it and kept it in a drawer after m/n left. Let me go get it" they said going to find the phone. "You might want to check if there's any fake messaging apps on there or something, because at least I know for an absolute fact that these past two months while m/n and I have been trapped together, they didn't bring out a phone once. It would be almost impossible for them to hide, or charge if it really did exist." Floyd explained grabbing your hand reassuring you silently. You let out a weak sigh feeling relived that Floyd had defended you and actually given your parents a good reason as to why you were innocent. Your sister frowned snatching her phone with a huff "you always try to turn people against me!" She yelled but was quickly silenced when P/o came back. "I have their phone. It's out of service and currently has no battery from the lack of usage.." they said while looking at P/t with a worried look. B/n looked between everyone with a surprised expression shaking his head "wait so- you really didn't tell s/n all those horrible things?" You shook your head with a sigh "then how were there screenshots?" He asked not completely understanding, but P/o took s/n's phone from her checking her messaging apps. "M/n's contact isn't here." They said giving S/n a disapproving look. "How did you make those screenshots then?" P/t asked while Creek seemed to be a bit anxious. "It was his fault!" She deflected pointing at Creek while he looked shocked. "What?? We're best friends so I supported you even if it meant helping you fake chats." He crossed his arms. "This is too much for me to process.." you groaned grabbing your head hunching over. Floyd rubbed your shoulders gently trying to help you relax while you were feeling overwhelmed. You tuned out the argument that was happening in front of you trying to relax.

After a while you finally took a deep breath standing upright and looking towards your parents and siblings. The arguing died down while your sister was silently seething. Your parents frowned at her before looking at you with remorseful expressions. You awkwardly looked anywhere but them not knowing how to react. "I know we don't deserve to say this after so long, but we are so sorry for not believing you." P/o said stepping forward carefully and giving you a hug. You didn't reciprocate for a moment but p/t and b/n joined in. You relaxed finally hugging back, closing your eyes. You felt much lighter suddenly, and not in just like a happy way. You opened your eyes gasping pulling away from the hug seeing your hands fill with color again. Though unfortunately your skin couldn't completely match the complexion it was before, as it was a muted version blending into the rest of your normal pigment. Maybe because your body would never be able to physically recover entirely but this was still a victory to you. "I'm- I'm better! It, it worked!" You said grinning widely while your family didn't seem to understand aside from p/t. Floyd smiled picking you up and spinning you around laughing. "I'm so glad it worked. I just want you to be okay" he smiled setting you down kissing your nose making you giggle. "Thanks to you! I wouldn'tve been able to if I didn't have you" you smiled gently holding Floyd's cheeks. "Wait so are you two..?" Your brother asked pointing between the two of you with a skeptical expression. "Oh, ehehe.. yeah. This is Floyd! My boyfriend." You smiled proud to finally say it out loud. Your brother nodded knowingly while your parents just looked at each other confused. "So how did that even work anyway?" Your parents asked while Branch stepped beside you, Poppy trailing behind him. "Hello! Sorry we tried to stay out of this since it's a family thing, but we helped M/n get here. But I think I know why this worked out." He said while the attention was directed at him. You looked to see where Creek and S/n went but they were gone.. "I don't think the harmony had to be exclusive to music. I think it just had to be a family coming together. I'm not quite sure why their sister didn't need to be included though." Branch explained his idea while everyone nodded understanding for the most part. You sighed smiling at your parents and brother. "Thank you for listening to me now." You said with a melancholy expression. "I don't think I can suddenly just, forgive everything though. I need time to work through everything, but I will reach out to you when I'm ready." You said hoping they would accept that. Your parents nodded but it was clear it hurt them a bit. "We understand. You're welcome any time!" Your brother cheered. You grinned waving as you started to walked off, "see you guys soon!" You hummed, pulling Floyd along with you. "What about your sister?" Floyd asked curiously while you shrugged "I don't know. I don't want to focus on that right now." You hummed following Poppy walking back to the hot air balloon. "Wow you're so cool M/n, I don't know what I would do if me and Viva ended up on bad terms like that.." she said thinking. "And I only just learned about her!" She added, while you nodded slowly. "It's definitely hard but everything is looking up now!" You chuckled almost bumping into Branch when he stopped in front of you. "Guys.. where'd our balloon go?" He asked turning around. "Don't tell me.." you trailed off looking up, seeing the air balloon.. in the air. It wasn't too far up, but it was still leaving!

|| Word Count 1551! uhhh this chapter is chaotic but issues resolved how cool. Anyway uh, sorry for the kinda terribly story telling buttttttt it's cool- I guess. lol, cya tmr! Also be prepared for the end of the story to be approaching very soon!! ||

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