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(Art by @/ramkat10 on insta!)

M/n's Pov

You and Floyd had been a bit more affectionate within the past week or so since you opened up to him. You would be lying if you said you didn't love every second of it. For the past week Velvet and Veneer had actually been gaining traction on their social medias and were now rising the ranks as pop stars. It's all they would ever talk about.
You and Floyd had been more lethargic since energy was stolen along with their talent so the trolls were sleeping more than often.

External Pov

Velvet and Veneer had just had their first official broadcasted interview. They had done a few before but none this important, and they went a little overboard with the spraying. Floyd and M/n were unable to stand for a good few minutes, as they just heaved for air and groaned on the floor. M/n's tail flicked unhappily as they finally sat up, holding their temple. "This sucks. I want out of here." M/n complained as Floyd nodded in response, not feeling up to speaking just yet.

Floyd shivered as he curled up into a ball on the floor, very clearly and visibly cold. M/n looked over at Floyd with a concerned expression as they sat next to him. "Hey are you okay? Is it too cold?" They asked and Floyd just nodded in response leaving m/n a bit confused but they didn't want to make him talk if he wasn't feeling the best so they just lied beside him to show they were there if he needed anything.

M/n's Pov

What you didn't expect to happen was Floyd to pull you close to him. He was shivering slightly so he hugged you to bring more warmth to him. You blushed before you began to hug him back, basically cuddling to keep warm.
You began to hum the song Floyd had taught you. It was called something like pure? perfection? Whatever it didn't matter, you knew the lyrics and tune that's all that you cared for at the moment. As you hummed the song Floyd relaxed and eventually fell asleep cuddled close to you. You smiled as you stopped humming and fell asleep too.

A few hours later you woke up to the mount rageons loudly speaking in front of the bottle. You tried to move to rub your eyes but you found Floyd glued to your torso, his arms wrapped around you and showing no signs of letting go any time soon. You sighed petting Floyd's hair with a yawn, listening to the large teens speak.

"Listen, Veneer you need to stop getting so obsessed over the trolls and what they do." Velvet said in her usual stuck up voice, as Veneer let out an exasperated sigh. "But Velvet! Look at them! It's like having a pet fish you can look at whenever you're bored" he explained before Velvet groaned annoyed
"remember Ven.. last time you had a fish, it didn't go well. Plus I don't think you realize that these are just tools to us. It doesn't matter what happens to them we just need them for our career! If you end up getting attached you could ruin everything I've worked so hard to do!" She argued as Veneer puffed his cheeks slightly in a pout. It made you cringe slightly.

You didn't really like Veneer but you preferred him over Velvet any day. Velvet waved her hand dismissively towards Veneer as she left going to some place called novabucks? You had never heard of it but didn't care enough to dwell on it.
You stared at Veneer expecting him to follow Velvet like he always did but for the first time since you were captured, Velvet and Veneer didnt go out together.

That was really odd, but what was even more puzzling was how upset and guilty Veneer looked. It kind of irritated you because he basically got everything he had ever wanted by torturing you and Floyd but whatever. You tried to sit up, struggling a bit, Floyd still holding on to you making you chuckle.

You sat against the back wall of the bottle, Floyd glued to your side still sleeping. It made you feel a bit worried as he didn't wake up, maybe he wasn't doing as well as he seemed to be and he needed more time to recuperate?
You let out a sigh looking away from Floyd back to where Veneer was before, jumping letting out a quiet peep, trying to stay quiet for Floyd's sake but a huge blue eyeball in front of your face was horrifying. Veneer had been watching silently apparently for not too long since you saw him just a minute ago.

"What- is your deal!" You whisper-yelled getting a bit defensive, pulling Floyd closer to you even though you knew you couldn't really do anything to protect him if need be.
Veneer laughed in a way you couldn't really tell if it was condescending or just a genuine laugh. You stared at the rageon with a confused expression as you waited to see if you would get a response.

The laughing died down as Veneer wiped some invisible tears. "You little trolls are just so adorable, getting all scared and cuddling together." He said genuinely which made you confused on whether you were supposed to be thankful that Veneer enjoyed seeing them alive or creeped out by what he enjoyed about it. You cringed as you nodded hesitantly saying a very slow "thank you?" Making Veneer pick up the perfume bottle. "Woah! What's your problem!" You hissed as you slid a bit on the floor at the movement, Floyd shuffling a bit in his sleep before he relaxed again.

"You're going to wake him up" you said annoyed as Veneer apologized "oh, sorry! I just wanted to look at you two better. So what have you guys been up to? I can see that you're very close now." You stared at Veneer with your jaw falling open. He just.. apologized??? You couldn't understand that, but you had to answer what Veneer asked. "Why are you asking? Why does it concern you" you asked skeptically raising your eyebrow at him with an unsure expression. "I want to know all the drama of course! I would have died in there by now of boredom" Veneer said as he rolled his eyes thinking about being in your situation.

You took a minute to process what was going on. This, huge thing, was trying to put himself in your shoes? He's literally killing you and Floyd but he'll put himself into your shoes just to hear some drama?? This guy was really stupid but talking to the teen could heighten your probability of escaping. It was worth a shot so you would try it.

"We play silent games since your sister doesn't want us to talk but other than that we sleep or talk at night. Nothing that interesting" you explained as Veneer hummed "so then what's going on here? Do you guys always cuddle when you sleep?" He pointed with his green nails, making you look down at Floyd with a blush. "No, we don't. But we do try to keep warm however we can since we're stuck in here with no warmth." You said bluntly, as Veneer huffed putting the perfume bottle down. "You're so negative. It's crushing my vibe." Veneer said as he stood up from the chair he was sitting in, and brushed himself off.

You gritted your teeth for a second. You really wanted to say "Sorry I'm not being very kind to my torturer" But you didn't want to make a bigger enemy of him, he seemed persuadable. You sighed and begrudgingly muttered out a sorry as Veneer didn't acknowledge you and left the room. You sighed as you looked down at Floyd. He didn't seem to he in that great of a condition, but hopefully sleeping would do him some justice.

A few hours later Floyd finally woke up, and he apologized for gripping onto you without asking or letting go. You reassured him that it was okay, but it was nice to be on the other end watching Floyd blush in embarrassment.

|| word count 1417 lmao maybe one day I'll try editing again (it's so tedious and I have to read out loud to not skip words on accident 💔💔💔) anyway I'll see you guys (probably tomorrow) in the next update!!||

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