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(Art belongs to @/99kroi on IG!)

External Pov

M/n had been oddly enough pretty sleepy the past few days.. or weeks? However long it was, they always seemed to be either exhausted or sleeping all the time.
Maybe it had to do with how boring being stuck in a stupid little bottle with nothing to do is but whatever the reason was didn't matter.
They had been sleeping until the two obnoxious Rageons busted into the room out of nowhere, making the m/n and crimp jump suddenly.
M/n sighed as they rubbed their eyes looking at the two with a bored expression not expecting anything different from the usual until they heard Veneer talking about something biting his hands.. m/n's eyes widened, as it reminded them of when they had been caught themself. The small troll felt their heart drop as they processed the fact that those stupid giants succeeded on finding a new troll to torture.
What m/n didn't expect was for the two to grab the bottle they were in, suddenly bouncing them roughly against the diamond walls.
The prison was opened for a brief moment as fresh air entered the bottle, a nice fruity scent filling the area before something else was dropped inside. Unfortunately for the troll as soon as the cage was opened it was closed again.
M/n cursed under their breath as they realized that they might've just let their only chance of escaping get away. 'How stupid can I be! That could have been my last chance to get out of here!' They thought as they scolded themself.
They sighed as they slumped against the wall before their eyes widened suddenly, seeing another troll in the bottle with them.

M/n's Pov

The new troll rubbed his head as he groaned, making you scoot back slowly, a bit overwhelmed. You were too distracted by the fresh air and smells to realize why Velvet and Veneer actually opened the bottle in the first place. They put their new catch in here with you! You had expected them to have more than one container but apparently they don't.
You were a bit skeptical at this new troll but knew that they probably didn't want to be there either, so you didn't express it outwardly.
The other troll looked up after he recovered from hitting his head during the fall. He seemed surprised before he spoke suddenly "where are we! What's going on! Who are you?" The troll rambled out questions making you sigh, looking over to see Velvet and veneer scolding crimp on failing to make shoulder pads for their liking again. "We're in a perfume bottle, that they-" you paused as you pointed at the two mount rageons "use to extract our talent from our souls or something? I'm not entirely sure to be honest, I just know it hurts. A lot." You sighed, furrowing your eyebrows, looking down with an unhappy expression thinking about how it felt.
The giant beings hadn't extracted any talent from you recently as you weren't pop enough, and they wanted more pop in the mixture before they did their grand debut or whatever, but the memories still lingered in the back of your mind the entire time you were there. "And my name is M/n. So, what's your name?" You asked smiling lightly trying to create the best possible impression since you two would he stuck together probably until you guys both died.. "Oh.. my name is Floyd. Nice to meet you" He smiled back politely before looking at the three other creatures outside of the bottle with a look of worry on his face.
"How long have you been here?" Floyd asked suddenly making you look out at the other non trolls with him "to be honest I'm not entirely sure. At least a few days? Maybe a week? Week and a half??" You rambled as your expression became more and more confused as you rambled. Floyd looked at you with a frown, not liking the sound of that.
"Why do they need our talent?" Floyd asked curiously as he stared at you, taking in your appearance. "They really suck at singing" you snorted thinking back to the time you heard them sing, horribly. Floyd laughed a bit with you. The feeling becoming contagious. The moment was short lived though, before Velvet grabbed the perfume bottle suddenly, unhappy after she heard part of their conversation.

External Pov

"Let's see you still laugh after this" Velvet sneered as she sprayed herself a couple times with the trolls essence, veneer doing the same but not as aggressively. The trolls let out pained groans as they felt themselves become weaker.
Floyd took in heavy breaths once they were back on the floor of the bottle, m/n kneeling by him, breathing steadily, rubbing Floyd's back to comfort him. Velvet and Veneer paid no mind to this as they went out to flaunt "their talent".
"Are you okay?" M/n asked Floyd as they stared at him with a concerned expression taking their hand off of his back as he moved to sit. "Ye..yeah I'm fine" Floyd said as he took deep breaths, slouching over as he sat. "Is that what it feels like every time?" Floyd asked, a look of disbelief on his face. M/n sighed as he sat by Floyd, not too close to be uncomfortable but close enough. "Yeah pretty much. You never really get used to it I guess" m/n admitted laughing bitterly. "But honestly they've only ever extracted from me a handful of times, so maybe it gets better later on?" M/n spoke hopefully but they knew better than that.
The two sat in silence for a while before Floyd broke the silence "Uhm, so what now?" He asked, staring up at where the perfume bottle opened. "Well if you're thinking about escaping, believe me I've tried it all." M/n laughed as they showed off their not so great looking knuckles, littered with bruises and blisters/cuts. Floyd gasped as he grappled your hands with a surprised and concerned expression, examining the damage. This made m/n lean away slightly, a bit taken aback by Floyd's reaction. A small embarrassed blush dusted m/n's cheeks as they were not used to attention like this. They looked away as they slowly pulled their hands away, shoving them into the pockets of their sweater. "It's alright, it'll heal" m/n reasoned as their tail flicked (that's right you have a tail!!!!1! I love the hc that trolls have silly tails with hair tufts at the end. I won't describe them too much but just know it's always there :3), a bit excited that Floyd cared about them. 'He would make a great friend' m/n smiled internally as they stared up at Floyd again.
Floyd sighed as he nodded "well since we're trapped here, how about we get to know each other?" Floyd suggested, seemingly a bit hesitant that m/n would disagree. "Sure" m/n shrugged with a smile, looking at Floyd. "You wanna start?" M/n asked as Floyd smiled, nodding.

|| Word Count: 1219 teehee you can't stop me now that I'm going!!!! (It's 4am and I haven't stopped writing since I started help) anyways,, let me know how you like the story so far? I know it's only the beginning so far but I gotta know 🙏||

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