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(Art belongs to @/kamiyouo on insta :P)

M/n's Pov

You and Floyd had been trapped being a talent supply for Velvet and Veneer for about 3 weeks now. The two of you had become really close, but you often distanced yourself whenever you felt overwhelmed? You weren't sure what it was but it definitely felt overwhelming, just a little different. It kind of freaked you out but you didn't want to ask him for a number of reasons.

Firstly if something was wrong, you didn't want to make an already bad situation feel worse. Another reason being if it was something that could be embarrassing to admit that wouldn't be ideal. What if it changed his perception of you! Or even worse what if it upset him.. you shook the thoughts off and just settled on working it out yourself, even though it seemed to be getting worse over time.

You and Floyd had been telling eachother some scary stories you were told as children. Floyd explained the time his grandmother had told him if he ever stayed up past his bed time a firefly would bite his hair off? This made you bust out laughing, Floyd laughing along with you. As you calmed down you looked over at Floyd who was still giggling, his wide smile making your core bubble up with joy. You couldn't help but smile brightly with him.

"Hey do you ever wonder what you would do once you got out of here? Assuming we ever could." Floyd asked suddenly making your bright smile falter for a second. You had thought about it many times but every time it entered your mind you knew that you would go back to how it was before Floyd. He had his life to get back to and a family to reunite with, while you just had your small house away from where most people lived.

You never felt lonely before as you preferred to be alone generally, rather than with people all the time. But you knew the feeling you were experiencing right now was loneliness, at just the thought of going back. You sighed as you looked up at Floyd. "Yeah I have thought about it. I would probably just go back to what I had before I guess. What about you? Would you look for your brothers?" You asked, as you tried to keep your demeanor casual.

Floyd looked down at his lap as he thought. "Yeah probably. Having your life threatened so badly makes going want to spend time with those you love I guess.
Sorry if this is a sensitive question but, you have never mentioned any family or friends? Is there a reason why?" His tone was soft, as to let you know he was not a threat, even though you knew he wasn't one, even if he tried to be. "Yeah. I mean it's complicated I guess. I still have a family, we're just estranged." You shrugged like it wasn't a big deal but you didn't like thinking back on it often.

"Oh I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" Floyd said as he understood that this subject was uncomfortable. This made you think for a long moment.
You never really spoke about it to anyone, because it made you so upset but if you were to tell anyone it would probably be Floyd. He was the closest person to you in your life at the moment and he had always been so kind and supportive you sighed with a smile on your face "well actually I should talk about it. You're always so kind so I trust that I can be honest with you." You said as you laid down gathering your thoughts.

Every time you tried to verbalize how you felt about the situation you only ever just ended up word vomiting to yourself in the mirror.
"So, well first off some backstory. I have two siblings, and I love them very much, or I did anyway. But I was best friends with my brother, our sister always complained and didn't share many things in common with us but we always hung out with her doing things she liked even if we didn't. She always wanted to be a part of what we liked to do too, and we enjoyed her there but she would always complain about it which bothered me and my brother." You explained slowly as Floyd nodded in acknowledgment.

You took a deep breath as you continued "so one day she got really jealous, and when I mean jealous I mean jealous. She was upset that my brother and I went to an art convention together, and normally I would understand but we had tried inviting her to go with us when the tickets were going to be on sale, but she complained about the line to get them. The convention had a line for people to go and get tickets, and often people would stay overnight, so we had to go and wait for a long time and she wasn't up to do that. And since she didn't go with us she didn't get a ticket to go. The convention was held many months later so maybe she forgot?" You rambled trying to manage your thoughts and formulate a coherent explanation.

"Well anyway she was really mad so she began to tell our parents that I was excluding her from everything. I only found this out when my parents called me all upset, yelling!" You sighed trying to calm yourself down.
"I tried explaining to them what had actually happened but they didn't listen to me and they said I was grounded? I mean like how do you even ground an adult anyway?" You groaned as you closed your eyes.

"Well after that I texted my sister about what she did because it was so uncalled for? And I may have been a little harsh but considering what she did to me first I feel that it was warranted. Which ended up backfiring on me because we argued for a while and she sent screenshots of our conversation to our parents and called them crying about how I was being so mean." You sighed thinking back on the memory. "So my parents told me when I got back that day we had to have a talk. I wasn't expecting anything too bad you know? Maybe they just wanted to talk it out and see my side in person, or maybe a punishment but nothing too serious I guess? Well that's not how it went. When me and my brother got back that day I was told to sit while my brother and sister went off to talk or whatever. My parents were not happy at all, and they told me I had to move out because I was destroying their family." You said pausing for a long moment before you sucked in a breath to continue.

"I tried to beg them to believe me and they just told me I had by the morning to get my stuff and go. I also had to leave my phone since they paid for it. Obviously this wasn't something I was prepared for so I ran to my room and began to throw everything I could in a few boxes I had from packages I forgot to throw out, and the rest I could fit into a couple backpacks. Before I left I went to tell my brother goodbye and that I would visit whenever I could but he glared at me and just told me to leave? I don't know what my sister told him but he was upset with me too. So without anything else to say I left. And I haven't been back in years." You said finishing your explanation.

Floyd stared at you with wide eyes before he hugged you tightly "that's awful. I'm so sorry" Floyd apologized as you hugged him back gently. It felt nice finally talking about how you felt.
"It's okay now. It's been years. But that doesn't mean I don't miss how things used to be" you chuckled sadly as Floyd hugged you tighter. You panicked for a second feeling this warm fuzzy feeling awaken inside of you again but you didn't push Floyd away enjoying the sweet moment.

"Thank you for listening to me" you smiled feeling so much weight lifted off of your shoulders. "I'll always listen if you need me to." Floyd said as he pulled away from the hug cupping your face gently, rubbing his thumbs around the creases of your furrowed eyebrows making them relax "don't look so upset, you look so much more lovely when you're smiling" he said he gently making you blush brightly. You started to piece together a few things.

The feelings you were feeling were all tied to Floyd, and the way Floyd treated you so gently and kindly reminded you of how people in relationships doted on eachother. Did you- did you like Floyd? Well obviously you liked him but did you like him? You stared at Floyd with an expression of wonder. "Oh, th,thank you!" You almost choked on your own words as you were flustered.

Floyd giggled at your behavior before he let you go, his soft hands now back by his sides. You felt embarrassed admitting to yourself that you wished he held you just a little bit longer but this only confirmed your previous thoughts. You liked Floyd, and not just liked. You REALLY liked Floyd.

|| (word count: 1640) allllright!! How was that? Am I going too fast? Was the back story good? Anything you like or dislike and want more/less of?? I'm having fun writing here but it isn't just for myself I want you guys to enjoy reading too, so let me know how you feel about it so far? ||

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