02 - Craig's Grey January

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Tuesday, January 12th, 2007 - 16:34pm

School passed rather quickly after lunch, [M/N], for the rest of it, avoided unnecessary interactions with people, opting to keep his head down and work. He was still coming to terms that he had officially died in hospital, as his heart had stopped briefly but it still made a chill run down his spine. He knew something weird was going on within himself, but he couldn't place his finger on it just yet. The only evidence the Deputy Sheriff had, is that he magically healed most of his wounds overnight, felt strangely vigorous and could smell things previously faint, or not even there. He could taste people on the wind, their feelings, their aura, and motives. [M/N] had no idea what any of this meant, but he opted to keep the information to himself for now.

He had bigger things to worry about anyways, like breaking the news to the Tucker family, that one of their own was found dead. The [hair colour] haired, young man wasn't looking forward to the upcoming encounter, but he had little choice. And as much as Craig was a massive dick towards him at the moment, he still cares for the taller raven haired male. [M/N] had read Tricia's file, and would bring up certain parts of investigation to inform them of her fate. Minus the gruesome parts, of course. He didn't like to, but felt he had to go and at least visit the morgue, just to pay final respect for someone he knew. And though he wouldn't tell anyone, [M/N] had to take a breather briefly in the bathrooms. Death was apart of the duty, and he did a good job at hiding his honest feelings away from others. But seeing her... A girl you'd see most days because she was related to your friend. that cut too deep.

"Alright, remember the rules; be polite, be professional, answer any questions, and try and give consolation..." [M/N] talks to himself, as he parked his car outside the tan coloured home, where Craig and his family lived. After school, [M/N] went straight home for a shower and a change of clothes, wanting to look presentable and respectful. He wore a plain white, button up shirt, along with a black tie. He had a quick shave too, though he swore he did that the night before the party.

Looking in the glove compartment, [M/N] sees the almost empty bottle of Vodka, that lied almost temptingly, calling out for the Deputy Sheriff for a few innocent swigs. Slamming it shut, the young man growled to himself, knowing that the 'liquid courage' would only betray him later on. And it wouldn't be a good sign, if he shows up to the grieved, reeking of alcohol whilst slurring over his words about their dead daughter. That wouldn't be good.

Stepping out his car, the young man adjusted his tie slightly, walking towards the front door of the Tucker residence. The evening air was beginning to turn chilly, and it would only be a few more short hours before darkness descended on the town. Swiftly, and politely knocking on the front door a few times, [M/N] quickly straightened his hair, trying one more ditch effort to appear respectable. Door opening casually, [M/N] could see it was Thomas Tucker, Craig's father, who had opened the door. The middle aged man hadn't change too much from whence the Deputy had last seen him, which his balding orange hair, and slight beer gut that hung over his waist.

"Oh, hello [M/N]. haven't seen you in a hot minute, kid. Craig isn't home unfortunately, he's out with some other friends." The man smiled welcomely, but seemed more crestfallen, making the young male was slightly surprised that he was remembered by the father. Briefly coughing into his hand, [M/N] reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his Officer's Badge, making a shocked look come onto Thomas' face. "I'm, uh... no Sir, I'm not here for Craig. Would you mind if I came in, so we can talk for a few minutes?" The Deputy muttered, but in a clear tone so Mr. Tucker could thoroughly hear him.

The older male sighed to himself, closing his eyes briefly, before opening the door. Standing to the side, Mr. Tucker allowed the Deputy inside, before softly closing the door around him. "Take a seat on the couch, I'll just go get Laura. She's... well she's been a wreck, the last week or so." Thomas says, gesturing towards the couch, before solemnly walking up the stairs. [M/N] has seen this before, sometimes when children go missing or die, the parents would stay in the room of the deceased. Perhaps it was a way of coping, maybe...

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