0.5 - Character and Roster Sheet

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This List and Dossier is kept on those relevant to 'Ill Met By Moonlight' - The current year is 2007, in South Park, Colorado.

If you haven't already, please check the DESCRIPTION of the main page to see details of what will be prevalent in the story.


Name: [M/N] 'Dovahkiin' [L/N].

Height: 6'3.

Appearance: [Skin Colour/Eye Colour/Hair Colour/Scars]. Muscular build later on in story.

Age: 19

Gender: (Cisgendered/Transexual/Gender-fluid) Male.

Sexual Orientation: [Put anything you please, but you're fuckin' dudes, my friend.]

Birth: (Day & Month) 1988.

Ethnicity & Race: [Your Ethnicity & Race].

Occupation: Deputy Sheriff, High School Senior.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral.


Name: Kenny McCormick.

Height: 5'11.

Appearance: White tanned skin, teal eyes, dirty blonde hair, lanky, muscular build, multiple scarring across body and face.

Age: 19.

Gender: Genderfluid, mostly go by they/him.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.

Birth: March 22nd, 1988.

Ethnicity & Race: White American

Occupation: Worker at Chinese Restaurant, 'City Wok'. High School Senior. Guitarist for Crimson Dawn.

Alignment: Lawful Good.


Name: Stan Marsh.

Height: 5'8.

Appearance: Beige skin, sapphire eyes, bleached black hair, slightly muscular, chubby build, small scars around facial area.

Age: 19.

Gender: Cisgendered Male.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.

Birth: October 19th, 1988.

Ethnicity & Race: American, with Southern American roots on Father's side.

Occupation: Works on Father's cannabis farm. High School Senior. Animal Rights Activist. Lead Singer for Crimson Dawn.

Alignment: Neutral.


Name: Kyle Brovfloski

Height: 6'1

Appearance: Pale, white freckled skin, Ginger hair, slim and muscular build, scarring around mouth area from 'human centipad' incident.

Age: 19.

Gender:  Cisgendered Male.

Sexual Orientation: Gay (Closeted).

Birth: May 26th, 1988

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