32. Milestone

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4 months later

"No! No, no, no, no..."

Serafina stared down at her underwear in horror. This was worse than peeing her pants like she thought. Way worse.

At some point between Shreveport and Natchez, Serafina's body apparently decided it was a good time to start her period. The bright red blotches staining the cotton gusset of her underwear were small, but unmistakable. The stomachache she'd had all morning made sense now, too.

Serafina swallowed back the lump that formed in her throat. The few times she'd thought about getting her period, she'd imagined having Bonnie to run to when it happened.

A milestone, Bonnie called it. Her own mother had baked her a cake when she got hers, a tradition Bonnie never got the chance to carry on with her own daughter. Her eyes had glittered with emotion as she'd talked about doing it with Serafina.

There would be no cake now. Serafina squeezed her eyes tightly against the hot tears threatening to flow. The only thing that hurt more than losing Bonnie and Abel was knowing how much it must have hurt them to lose a child for the second time. Two children this time.

The roar of a toilet flushing in the next stall snapped Serafina out of her thoughts. She needed to stop moping and figure out what she was going to do now. The pads that Bonnie bought her to keep in her bag 'just in case' were long gone, used as bandages and insoles and whatever they'd been useful for at the time. And even if they weren't, her bag was currently slung over Ian's shoulder in the hallway outside the bathroom.

Maybe Kathy had a pad in her purse? But the young mom they'd hitched a ride with had taken little Bryson to line up for Santa, whatever that meant. And even if Ian was willing to leave his guard post in front of the women's bathroom to go and find Kathy for her, he'd want to to know why.

And she really, really didn't want to tell him.

Right on cue, Ian's voice floated into her head. Are you okay? What's taking you so long?

I'm fine. I just have a stomachache. It wasn't a lie. l'll be out soon.

Serafina didn't mention her period. She wondered if there was any way to hide it from him. Did he really even need to know? If he was her real brother, from a normal family like they were pretending, would she share that news? Like, 'Hey, guess what, I started bleeding down there today...'?

Serafina had no idea. All she knew was that Ian would freak. Knowing she was uncomfortable and in pain, even if it was the most natural thing in the world, would just be one more thing for him to feel guilty and helpless about.

It was a list that did not need any adding to.

Outside the door of her stall, voices and the sounds of running water and the paper towel machine echoed in the busy shopping mall bathroom. Surely someone had a pad they could spare?

Either way, she couldn't stay in here forever. She could already feel the impression forming on the backs of her legs and butt from the toilet seat. The worst part was her underwear. They were nasty. But she couldn't go without them either. Serafina made a face as she stood and yanked them back up. The wad of folded toilet paper was uncomfortable between her legs but it was the best she could do for now. Looked like they'd be doing some shopping today whether Ian liked it or not.

There were several women in the bathroom when Serafina stepped out of the stall. She approached an older woman washing her hands in the sink. Their eyes met in the mirror, the woman's gaze curious but kind.

The Runaways: Book 1 of the The White Goddess SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now