21. Day Trip

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"One's enough for now." Kelly swiped a second piece of fried chicken out of Connor's hand. 

"She's right." Abel's tone was grudging. "You don't want a full stomach when you head onto the field." 

Connor grumbled but didn't argue as he wiped his greasy fingers on his shirt. 

"Stop that," Kelly fussed, thrusting a napkin at him. "There'll be plenty of chicken for y'all when you're done."

"You sure about that?" Connor looked pointedly at Serafina. 

Serafina blinked as everyone turned to look at her. "What?" she asked around a mouthful of chicken. A small pile of bones sat on a napkin spread out on the metal bench beside her.

Everyone laughed. Bonnie's eyes softened and Abel sent her an affectionate wink. Serafina's appetite was a running joke to everyone but Ian. He said it was because she was growing stronger. Not just physically as part of growing up, but her abilities. And it worried him. 

The power drill extraction mission in Lakeside had gone smoothly and they'd arrived at the school just before ten. Tryouts didn't start for another hour but they weren't the only ones who'd showed up early and the metal stands were already dotted with people.

Bonnie and Kelly had started unpacking the food as soon as they sat down. Ian ate a chicken leg and some watermelon to make Bonnie happy before he slipped away to talk to someone he knew. He'd really just picked a random girl on the other side of the field to talk to, an excuse to scope things out. No shifters in attendance so far, apparently.

"'Course." Kelly swatted her older son. "Don't you pick on her."

"Yeah." Serafina swallowed her mouthful and took another bite. "Don't pick on me."

"Don't eat all the chicken," Connor shot back.

"I'm not!" 

"But you could."

"So?" Serafina shrugged. "Bonnie says I'm a growing girl."

"Oh, yeah?" Connor eyed Serafina's short, delicate frame. She barely cleared five feet and weighed maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet. "When's that supposed to kick in?"

Kelly smothered a smile. Bonnie pursed her lips at the suggestion Serafina was anything less than perfect. Serafina's heart swelled at the fierce look Bonnie sent her: Don't you listen to them.  No one other than Ian had ever loved her so unconditionally. 

The believers at the Church loved the White Goddess, not her. And Ian was blood-bonded to her and still saw her as the goddess it was his mission in life to protect. He didn't exactly have a choice.

Bonnie glared at Abel for laughing with Mason, who shot Serafina a guilty look. She smiled back at him reassuringly. Serafina knew Connor was just teasing. 

Abel ignored his wife, his eyes sparkling as they met Serafina's. Abel knew she wasn't offended, and she knew he took a weird sort of pride in how much she ate, like it was some kind of achievement.

"Bonnie says it goes to my hair." Serafina tossed her head, sending her faded pink curls bouncing. 

Everyone chuckled. Abel ran a hand over his receding salt-and-pepper buzz cut.

"Guess I better eat more then," Abel said to more laughter. 

"A lot more," Serafina agreed around another mouthful of chicken.


The Runaways: Book 1 of the The White Goddess SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now