39. Covenhouse

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Natchez wasn't a big place
and not fifteen minutes later they were passing through the gate at the end of a long, rural driveway to a huge white house with gabled roofs and a row of towering stone pillars.

Serafina didn't know what she was expecting, but it wasn't a bunch of women waiting on the front porch like superfans camped outside a red carpet event. The women jumped from their seats as the Range Rover pulled up and spilled down the broad stone steps towards them.

"Wait here," Rowena instructed as Lorelei turned off the engine. Excited feminine voices filled the car as the women opened their doors to climb out.

Ian and Serafina watched as Rowena silenced the crowd with a gesture. "Back up!" Lorelei was barking as she rounded the hood. "Now, bitches!"

The women obeyed, but none of their excitement dimmed as they craned their necks and squinted trying to see through the tinted windows of the SUV. Their eyes wide and almost innocent in their fascination. Not quite worship, but close enough to give Serafina a sickening sense of déjà vu.

How many times had she stepped out in front of a crowd of euphoric, chanting Believers? Blasted with their hopes and expectations and yes, love, but it was selfish and demanding. They loved their image of her, an image she had nothing to do with creating.

And what even was their image of her? Serafina frowned at the smiling window. What had Rowena told them to make them so excited to meet her?

What the hell did she tell them about you? Ian's thoughts matched her own. I don't like this.

Serafina didn't like it either. Either Rowena had made something up for her own reasons, or the witch really knew something about Serafina that they didn't know. 

She braced herself as Ian flung the door open and climbed out of the SUV, ready to protect her from the swarm of women who...had zero interest in her at all.

A disbelieving laugh spilled out of her as she scooted towards the door and cautiously slid out of the car.  Rowena's sisters had glommed onto Ian, touching him, squealing at his muscles and licking their lips like dogs over a nice juicy steak.  

"They've never seen a wolf shifter before," Rowena explained, leading Serafina away from the chaos. "And your brother is a particularly fine specimen."

What the fuck?  Ian spat. 

Serafina swallowed a laugh. At least she didn't call you a 'boy child'. 

But Ian wasn't talking about Rowena's weird choice of words. Ser, I can't move.

And just like that, it wasn't funny anymore.

Serafina turned to see Ian standing in the exact same spot beside the Range Rover, eyes wide with shock as they met hers. 

I can't move, Ian repeated, wiggling his shoulders like he was testing them. Well I can, but...I can't walk away.

"Angel?" Rowena prompted. 

 Serafina whirled around to face her. "What did you do to him?" 

"Me? Nothing." Rowena's gaze flicked to Lorelei, her arm looped proprietarily through Ian's at his side. 

Suddenly it made sense why Ian hadn't heard Serafina calling him back in the department store bathroom. Lorelei had put some kind of spell on him, and now she was doing it again. Serafina might be immune to the witches' spells, but Ian obviously wasn't. 

The Runaways: Book 1 of the The White Goddess SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now