27. Helluva Hit

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No question, Connor was fast. Even Serafina could appreciate the way he moved with the ball, darting between the other players. Connor's head turned as he ran, looking for another red player to throw the ball before pulling his elbow back and sending the football like a spinning missile through the air just as Ian slammed into him.

The throw was good. A cheer went up from the bleachers as the other red player caught the ball and made it into the end zone.

"Touchdown!" shouted the coach.

Bonnie and Serafina clapped and Kelly and Mason raised their hands and cheered.

Ser! Her happy smile froze as Ian burst into her mind. Shit, shit ! Sera! No!

Serafina stiffened at the panic in his tone. What? What?  Ian was not one to overreact to things. What's wrong?

Down below, Ian was pushing himself to his knees and looking up to meet her eyes across the field. He's not moving! Shit! I think I hurt him, Sera. I think I hurt him bad. Oh, shit, Ser. No. No, no, no...

His tearful desperation sent Serafina shooting to her feet. She was barely aware of shoving past Mason and flying down the metal stairs. People were starting to notice Connor wasn't getting up and Serafina vaguely registered the sound of Kelly's terrified cries behind her as she skipped the last few steps and hit the grass running. 

Serafina's heart ached at the guilt and anguish on Ian's face when she drew up next to him on the field. The teacher was kneeling beside Connor on the grass, the other players in a wide circle around them. Connor's arms were flopped out and his neck and one of his legs were at a weird, scary angle.

"He's breathing, but unconscious," the teacher confirmed, looking up at the coach.

"Don't move him," the coach ordered, his cell phone already in his hand and dialling 911.

Serafina took Ian's hand and squeezed it as the murmurs of the other players floated past them. 

"Did you see how hard he hit him?"

"Shit, look at his neck."

"He ain't gonna be playing much football after this."

"Does he and that Jones kid have beef?"

What if I paralyzed him? Ian's eyes were filling with tears. Some of the other players were eyeing Ian sympathetically, others with shock and even disgust.

You didn't. Serafina gripped his arm with her other hand. And if you did, I'll fix him, I promise.

"Connor?" Kelly's scream filled the air as she barreled through the growing circle of players and worried onlookers. "Connor, get up. Get up, baby. It's not funny. Get up."

She cursed as the parent volunteer grabbed her before she reached Connor's creepily still form. Connor was always moving. According to Mason he even thrashed around when he slept.

"Let me go!" she shrieked, thrashing wildly to get out of him arms. "Connor! Get up!"

The parent volunteer was stronger than he looked. He stood firm, his arms like iron bands around her. "You gotta stay back. I'm sorry. It's for his own good."

"Don't touch him," came a deep voice as the crowd parted for a very short, very round man in khaki cargo shorts and a plaid button-down. He waved the teacher back from Connor and awkwardly struggled to his knees in a way that would have been funny in any other circumstances.

The Runaways: Book 1 of the The White Goddess SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now