24. Stakeout

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"What the actual fuck?" 

Nick's shock was like a physical blow at the huge, unmistakable figure unfolding himself from the black SUV up ahead of them. Nick wasn't sure when it happened, but at some point he'd started taking their spontaneous mission personally. 

Very personally, by the anxious churning in his gut.

"So much for being ahead," Erikson said from the back seat of their rental.

They were parked at the side of the narrow road, a few lots up from the house Nick had recognized from his dream. They'd left Boulder at five, but it took almost two hours to get to the Mountain View trailer park and another half an hour of driving up and down the rows to find the house. 

They'd only just gotten here and were strategizing their approach when the black SUV pulled up. The muscles in Tom's jaw worked as he stared grimly out of the windshield. The Rogue King's appearance threw all their plans and strategies right out the window.

None of them were surprised to see the Rogue King's bodyguard and second-in-command step out of the driver's side of the SUV and stretch before looking around. They quickly slid down in the their seats as Boone's sweeping gaze passed over their car.  

Nick's heart pounded with memories of the Incident as Boone followed his boss around the side of the tiny house. The rogue shifter's fury as he chased them—the girl and her friend—through what they now knew was the church and his barely restrained violence as they'd faced them down on the lawn.

The idea of the Rogue King's psychotic sidekick hurting, or even scaring, the girl sent a scorching anger bubbling through Nick's veins. Every muscle in his body tensed, ready for battle. 

Tom sent him a cautionary look. "Reel it in, Lieutenant." 

Nick clenched his teeth. "If he touches her..." 

"They won't hurt her," Erikson said confidently. "King wants to marry her, not kill her. Now Jones, on the other hand..." He shook his head.

"He'll only kidnap her and force her into child marriage." Nick's voice was dry. "Phew. Yeah, that's fine then."

Erikson shrugged. "Just saying, they won't hurt her."

"So what's our next move here?" Tom asked.

No one had an answer. The Rogue King was climbing the short steps to the door now, leaving Boone to play lookout on the awning-covered patio. Just a few short minutes ago Nick had been hoping the pickup in the driveway meant they were home. Now he was praying they weren't.

The Rogue King knocked on the door once, briefly, before calling something over his shoulder that prompted Boone to walk back to the road for another thorough look-around. 

It was quickly obvious why. Nick couldn't tell if the door was unlocked, or if King had broken it, but it swung open and the Rogue King bent his head to step inside. 

Alarm bloomed inside him as Nick watched the giant rogue shifter disappear into the house. A minute passed, then another. There were no screams, no shouts, no rattling of the tiny metal house. Outside, Boone shifted his weight at the foot of the steps, clearly bored.

"Looks like no one's home," Tom murmured. 

Nick let out a breath of relief. "Thank fucking Goddess."

"Unless he surprised them and then compelled them to silence," Erikson pointed out. 

Nick stiffened, his tension rushing back in full force. He hadn't thought of that. He imagined Serafina facing King down inside the tiny space, the old human couple watching on in horror, tongues frozen in helpless silence. 

The Runaways: Book 1 of the The White Goddess SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now