24. Final Moments

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"Are you ready, Bella?" Edward cooed to me.

I could barely comprehend the rhetorical question as I looked at Jacob's head burrowed in the dirt. His hands were splayed in front of him as he lay at Edward's feet. The fingers of his left hand looked like they were put through a meat grinder. If I could, I would cry, but my eyes stayed dry despite the surge of emotion. My vicarious pain for Jacob momentarily placated the freezing agony in my veins. I looked and looked. And I couldn't do anything.

Or at least that's what I thought. But the faintest flicker of hope flashed before me just a few seconds ago. An idea glimmered brightly in my mind as my eyes caught on a pale metallic twinkle nestled underneath a bush. A blade. Or something metal, at least. At least something that could help.

It was a hail mary. But I would take anything to save Jacob at this point. I was long past saving. The inevitable venom sat in my veins, patiently killing me. But Jacob. Jacob had to make it out alive. There was no time for goodbyes. The best I could give him was a window of opportunity. And that would be enough.

Edward raised his foot above Jacob's head which still weakly slumped into the ground. I saw the blur of his foot crashing down before the first word I could form exploded out of me.

"Wait!" I screamed, praying the pathway from my mind to my mouth was fast enough. Thankfully it was. I caught a grateful breath. Time to launch my idea. Time for my show to commence. "Edward, I love you!" I bluffed.

"What?" His foot paused in mid-air. His eyes, which were already settled intently on my face, widened.

"I love you. I love you, Edward! You!" I couldn't stop the hysterical tone of my voice, that part wasn't a lie. The words felt so disgusting as they rolled off my tongue.

"What?" He said again, this time less dumbfounded and more intent on my words. He shuffled a couple of steps towards me.

I found his weak spot—his one weak spot. I found it. I found it! Jacob could grab whatever weapon was in the bushes and run for his life!

"You were right." The words stung. "How could I ever be with that stupid mutt when there's you? My Edward, I was so stupid not to listen to my heart. I'm so sorry. I betrayed you. I should have stayed loyal to our love, even if it was just in my mind." It felt like I was vomiting the words rather than speaking them. The revoltingly dishonest bile was all that could save Jake now. I had to push through. I barely forced out my insult to Jacob successfully. It didn't matter now. As bad of an actor as I was, a situation like this would make anyone into a good liar.

I couldn't risk even a glance in Jake's direction, yet I still regarded him fiercely in my peripheral vision. He wasn't moving. Not an inch out of place. Why wasn't he taking his chance to run? If he tried to play the Romeo card and die with me, I wasn't going to have even a word of that. As if I even had a way of protesting against it. Every word out of me felt like a grain of sand falling in an hourglass. I prayed Jacob was just getting his bearings. I didn't know how much longer I could stall Edward before my luck ran out.

"You finally realize your love for me?" Edward's voice was contrastingly small compared to the booming announcer he once embodied.

"Yes," I nearly sobbed.

Edward's expression suddenly pulled together tightly. "How am I supposed to trust you?" He hedged.

Amongst the icy pain, I felt the subtle pit of panic in my stomach. I didn't know how much longer I could pacify Edward. I searched hastily for words, stuttering over vague vowels before I spoke. I hope it added to my charade rather than adding suspicion.

"I would be stupid not to choose you!" I assured ardently. "I finally realize, I finally see." My voice strained from my shouting, now dwindling to a gruff whisper. "My Edward, my love." I struggled to raise a shaky hand towards his shadow looming over me.

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