16. For Sentimental Reasons

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A/N: Hey, guys! So sorry this chapter took so long to get out. It's my first time writing anything this smutty so I was a little nervous at first (not so much now, though haha). And, I mean, come on...it's the 15th anniversary of Twilight. Of course I gotta give y'all a steamy scene to munch on today.

Also, side note: I'm referencing the song "(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons" by The Righteous Brothers in this chapter, if you guys wanna check it out or listen along as you read!

And I also just wanted to thank you guys so much for the support so far! 

I woke up gently, grateful for a dreamless sleep. I was also extremely grateful it was Saturday. Besides the fact that I wouldn't have to worry about going to school in my crazy state, I also was free from being around Mike for two days. I dreaded the day I'd have to face him again after what happened. I sighed and sat up from my bed, disappointed that I was already thinking miserable thoughts so early in the morning.

The morning was rather rudimentary. Charlie had already gone since they dragged him out to work on weekends back at the police station. Although I was a bit apprehensive at the thought of being alone after the waking nightmare I experienced last night, I stood my ground and spent the morning quietly and peacefully. I was on guard for anything out of the ordinary, but it looked like my mind wasn't in a sabotaging mood. The air stood stale in the kitchen as I sat before an empty cereal bowl.

I'll admit, my spirits were low. I felt my mind racing, yet it found nothing but a fork in the road no matter which direction it wandered in. My speeding train of thought abruptly screeched to a halt when I heard the doorbell ring. I went to the door automatically, still in my tattered pajamas, without a thought as to who it may be. I felt the sunken hole in my chest mend when I saw the pretty, familiar face standing on my doorstep.

"Hey, there," He greeted me, his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans.
"Oh, god, I'm so sorry. I look a mess right now." I zoomed past my greeting as my worries voiced themselves. I managed to tear my eyes off him to glance over my unseemly appearance. "You should've called!" I scolded him with a smile.

He dismissed my rantings about my current dress with a pfft and a wave of his hand. "I was planning to steal you away today. But since you say you're so unfit, I guess my plans have been canceled." He raised a taunting eyebrow.

"Wait, wait, what do you mean? Steal me away? I'm coming! Just let me change!" I rushed the words. Each new sentence cut him off from responding to the last. He sighed a happy, defeated sigh after my onslaught of exclamations. I held the door open, signaling for him to come in. He stepped inside with his hands still in his pockets, a satisfied smile tugging at his mouth.

"Don't get too excited now. I'm just working on the Rabbit today—it's been having issues—and I wanted some company." He took a seat behind the dining table.

"Sounds plenty exciting to me. You wait here." I hurried up the stairs so I didn't keep him waiting long. As I stared at the interior of my closet, I suddenly felt the need to dress up and look a little nice today—for his amusement, at least. Although about half of my wardrobe consisted of long blue jeans, I had my aha moment when my eyes landed on the one casual dress I owned. It was a pale orange gingham dress and it was perfect. Extremely cute but just casual enough. I tugged it over my head and bounded down the stairs.

I found him with his fingers trilling on the table. He looked up. His previously absentminded eyes focused on me and he exhaled thoughtfully. He rose from the wooden chair by the kitchen table and approached me. Although it was nothing but a few steps in my direction, my heart jumped up inside my chest. He took my hand and led me out the front door; I locked it with my free hand. We were walking down the porch steps when my eyes were caught on a shiny black motorcycle on the curb. I half-expected his Volkswagen to be waiting, even though he said it was in disrepair. It felt like fatefully meeting an old friend. I hadn't seen our motorcycles in so long that I assumed they were completely retired.

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