15. Look At Me

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The ride back home was peaceful, wholesome. It was a nice contrast to the burning intensity I felt with him earlier. I thought back on the sensations I felt back on the field. I'd kissed and been kissed before, but with him, it felt like everything was ten times amplified. I realized how good it felt to have my desire be met with as much if not more enthusiasm. After being stopped in my tracks so many times by Edward, it felt like an all-time high to have my wants finally accepted and even indulged in. I realized the floodgates I'd wanted to burst ajar had finally been opened. It filled me with anticipation. I smiled to myself as I kept leaning on Jake's shoulder.

When we pulled into the driveway of my house, both Jake and I were pleased to see Charlie's cruiser was absent. It would be a nightmare for a shirtless Jacob to bring home a soaked and half-naked daughter to the chief of police. I grabbed my wet button-up shirt from the backseat and walked to the front door with Jacob. He lingered on my doorstep as I opened the door and walked in.

"You just gonna stand at the porch? Get in here!" I waved him inside. He smiled and walked in, closing the door behind him. "I'll get you a towel. You make yourself at home." I hurried upstairs and grabbed two large towels. I rummaged through my closet, hoping to find a shirt that would fit him. I dug out a large green button-down that said CROWN BOWLING SUPPLY in huge letters on the back. At least it would fit him—I hoped. I, still in my bra, tread downstairs with my loot only to find Jacob sprawled out on the couch.

His eyes were calmly closed as his head leaned backward against the back cushion. His arms were up, resting on the pillows. I knew he wasn't asleep, but I still quietly approached him so as not to disturb him. He opened one eye and peered at me.

"Here. This should fit." I handed him the shirt. He sat up and grabbed it.

"So you don't want your super sexy and handsome boyfriend to walk around shirtless anymore?" He sassed as he tugged the shirt over himself. I blushed at his words.

"No, it's not that. I just don't want my super sexy and handsome boyfriend to catch a cold." I poked him in the ribs.

He shook his head. "You know it's physically impossible for me to catch a cold, right? But I get the real reason. Don't worry. I know my being half-naked makes you nervous." He folded his arms and adjusted himself on the couch, looking reassured of himself.

I scoffed, knowing he was completely right. "Oh, please. You wish." I rolled my eyes. I tried to feign a careless attitude to the best of my ability.

"You are a really bad liar, Bella." He smirked at me before grabbing one of the towels and draping it over my soaked head. He messed up my hair, roughing up the towel with both hands.

"Hey! Stop that!" I whined before snatching the other towel I brought and throwing it on his face. I straddled his lap and ruffled the towel harshly over his face as my form of revenge. I stopped moving my hands after a few seconds, feeling a bit bad.

He hooked his thumb underneath the edge of the towel and lifted it to reveal one angry eye.

"So that's how you wanna play it, huh?" He scoffed. A threatening aura overcame him as he flung the towel off his head and to the side, his hair in disarray because of what I did. He looked at me with charged, sarcastic eyes. His hands gripped either side of my waist as he slammed me down on the couch. "I am not someone to be messed with like that." He quipped, his ominous expression suddenly cracking into a smile.

"Hey, hey, hey, listen..." I exaggerated my precaution for the sake of his amusement. "We... we can talk about this, alright? Let's just use our words here." I put both hands up in surrender.

"Hm, no, I don't think we can. I think I'm just gonna have to show you." He pushed my hands away and started to lean over me, drawing closer to me. Just as I closed my eyes to give in, I remembered what he said earlier about getting too greedy. I assumed his words meant he wanted to pull the brakes on things, but I guess not. He seemed to be quickly resuming what we paused back at the field; it made me nervous. Both in a good way and a bad way.

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