Chapter 14

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The next day arrived for the Goenka's but no one was ready for it. The drama from the day before has disrupted their peace of mind and they are very upset. The saviors carried out their day as usual, but everyone was worried for Akshu and Aaru as they would be impacted the most by yesterday's event. After breakfast Swarna asked Aaru "Aaru are you sure you really want to work there? It's not about fearing them or fearing you losing your job, I am worried the atmosphere will be uncomfortable for you or you might not be treated normally. I have seen the way Manjiri ji treats people around her and it is not the best. After what happened yesterday do you think it is worth it? They might be the best hospital here but they are not the only ones, are you sure you want to go there after everything that happened?" Aaru sighed understanding Swarna's concern and even the Dvapara Vasis agreed with Swarna's thoughts.

No one liked Manjiri's behavior or thought she would let this issue slide. They were all worried for Akshu and Aaru. "Badi ma, don't worry I am not going to work today but I will work in that hospital. Badi ma when I did nothing wrong why should I fear something bad happening. Akshu rejected the proposal because she doesn't like Abhimanyu. This has nothing to do with me but I understand what you are trying to say. Besides we can't run away from our problems right badi ma, and this isn't even a problem. Manjiri mam is not a doctor and she can't interfere in the hospital issues. Even if she wants to fire me she can't. Even if they do, on what basis will they fire me, because my sister rejected their marriage proposal? Besides I just have to work in their hospital for 2 or 3 months then I will complete my internship and will move to a different hospital so don't worry okay?" Aaru convinced Swarna. Swarna felt relieved hearing Aaru's explanation and yet confused asked Aaru "What do you mean you are not going to the hospital today?"

Aaru explained while laughing "That is because your ladli Rishu convinced Akshu and I that we need to have a relaxing girls day after the DD yesterday, so Akshu, Rishu and I took a day off and will relax at home. We will have a mini home spa day. Also you, mimi and choti ma are invited to join us whenever you want." Aaru's explanation definitely brought a smile on both the Dwapar Vasis faces and on Swarna's face. Yet confused, Swarna asked "What does DD mean? And Rishu came up with that right?" Aaru smirked and replied "Devil's Drama and yes, who else in this house can come up with these ridiculous names except for Rishu." "I heard my name, what were you two beauties talking about?" Rishu came out of nowhere and asked Swarna and Aaru. The two screamed frightened and Rishu started laughing at them. This scene caused the Dwapara Vasis to let out a hearty laugh. Aaru looked at Swarna and mischievously replied "Speak of the devil and she shall appear." To which Swarna laughed and Rishu just winked.

"Okay you girls go and have fun with your mini home spa. Mimi, Surekha and I have a lot of work to do but if we get freed we will join you, understand?" Swarna asked and after receiving two nods from Aaru and Rishu she left. Aaru turned towards Rishu who was eating an apple and asked "What is your plan for the day? Why did you suddenly make Akshu and I stay home?" Rishu stopped chewing and replied "Since when have you turned into a detective, I thought you were a doctor?" Aaru sighed irritatedly and asked Rishu "Do younger siblings always give stupid replies and never a straight answer? Do you ever reply like a normal human being without annoying elder siblings?" "Aaru is definitely right, annoying and getting on the older siblings' nerves makes younger siblings happy. They just like to see us suffer." Kanha ji and Subhadra Devi gasped dramatically and asked "How could you say that about us Dau! We are your younger siblings, without us your life would be boring. You should be happy we exist in your life." Balram Dau just rolled his eyes and sighed while everyone else silently laughed at the Dwarka siblings' dramaticness. Rishu rolled her eyes and replied "Di when are you going to realize, understand and accept the fact that younger siblings are a god given gift to you older siblings. You older siblings are so boring, without us your lives would be so boring and dull. We are the joy in your lives. And remember one thing Di," Rishu said seriously, to which Aaru actually paid attention "The sole, main and first reason for a younger sibling's existence is to annoy older siblings. Without us you would be so different and not in a good way. Our existence is a gift for you, don't forget that."

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