Chapter 2

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The screen goes black and the word 'DELHI' appears on the screen. We can see a small independent one-story house surrounded by a garden on one side and a walkway and cars on the other side. A girl who is about early 20's appears on the screen and we can hear her talk over the phone saying "Yes Mr. Sharma, I want all the details about the Goenka's........... No not about their properties, about their family members. Who are alive, how many members are there, what do they do..all this. Can you get me these details?" the girl turns around and the screen is paused the words 'KAIRA GOENKA AKA KRISHNA JOSHI AKA KARN PUTRI KAIRA' appears below Krishna. Vrushali, Uruvi, Karn and Kunti eyes gather tears. They could not believe how much their little princess grew. The screen started playing again and they heard Krishna say "Thank you Mr. Sharma, I will be expecting those details by the end of the week." We can see that Krishna is making breakfast and the house is extremely quiet, so Vrushali asks Devi Niyati and Dev Samay " Dev, Devi why is the house so quiet? Does anyone live with my daughter? Is she living alone?" Samay Dev smiles at her questions and replies " Haa Angrani, Krishna lives alone but don't worry, Krishna is a sweet, smart and brave girl so nothing will happen to her, not now not ever. She used to live with Veda, but since Veda died she is all alone. However you don't have to worry about anything. Her house is one of the safest houses in Kaliyuga. It is well protected, that I can assure you." Arjun, after hearing Samay Dev's explanation asked him "Is the house protected by some kind of Lakshman Rekha or a weapons power Samay Dev?" Samay dev laughed as he heard Arjun's question. "No Rajkumar Arjun. Krishna's house is protected with the help of Kaliyuga technology. There are CCTV cameras all around her house so she can see them anytime. Also there is an automatic emergency helpline from her house to the police station. If she ever finds herself in trouble, all she has to do is click it and help will be there for her. She also has 6 German Shepherds in her house, who guard it at night. So with all this protection surrounding her nothing can happen to her" After Samay Dev's explanation, the audience started watching the show again. The screen showed Krishna's morning routine, which included feeding her dogs, watering her plants eating breakfast and leaving for court. After that the screen started playing again and showed the Goenka's house again where Akshu, Aaru and Rishu have just completed their breakfast and are walking to the garage when Aaru asked Rishu, who was looking at her phone "Rishu when are you going to meet your best friend," and winked at Akshu. Akshu who caught up with what Aaru was doing asked Rishu "Haa, where is he? We are not able to find him this morning? " Rishu looked up from her phone with a irritable expression and replied to her sisters " One, he is not my friend, he is like a leech stuck to a side of a boat. Two, I don't know where he is and honestly I don't care and I wish I won't see him for the rest of my life." As soon as Rishu completed her sentence we heard a voice say " Rishu, how could you say such mean things about me?" the girls turned around and saw Ayan Khurana, the Goenka's neighbor and a leech for Rishu. Duryodhan and 4 other princes were fuming with anger when they heard Ayan call Rishu in such a sweet loving manner. Rishu replied to Ayan " If we see a leech in front us we'll call it a leech right? We won't call it a unicorn. You are exactly the same Ayan." This made Aaru and akshu giggle while Ayan held his hand near his heart and pretended to be hurt and said "Rishu, why are you breaking my heart like this? You have no clue how many times you have broke my little heart into tiny pieces."

Rishu rolled her eyes and replied "God Ayan, you are such a drama queen. How is your family even bearing with you?" To which Ayan gave Rishu a bright smile and replied "They love me Rishu and you are not able to see it but don't worry you will soon see how much you love me." As Ayan completed saying this Aarohi burst out laughing while Akshara was trying to control her laughter but was failing and Rishu was looking at him as if he lost his mind. (The screen paused as Duryodhana started yelling) Hearing those words come out of Ayans mouth angered Duryodhana so much he yelled "How dare he speak like that to my daughter! I will kill him even before he can propose to her." Angraj Karn was trying to calm down Duryodhan when Samay Dev smirked at him and said "Don't worry Yuvraj Duryodhana! He is not the one who is written for your daughter. The ones who are destined for your daughter are right here amongst us and they are the ones who you should be worried about." As soon as Samay Dev said that, a warm feeling enveloped the four princes. Duryodhan angrily turned towards Samay Dev and roared "Here? What do you mean Samay Dev?" At the same moment Karn in concern spoke " The ones? What do you mean by the ones Samay Dev?" Devi Niyati interfered their enquiry by replying "Don't worry Angraj Karn, when the time is right all questions will be answered but for now let's continue watching." Angraj Karn and Duryodhan nodded and sat down but worry was clear in their faces. The video started playing again and Samay Dev started laughing as soon as he saw Rishu's expression. Nakul looked extremely confused and questioned him "Samay Dev why are you laughing so hard?" Samay Dev after a few seconds calmed down and replied "Rajkumar Nakul look at your niece Rishu. Thank god she is in Kaliyuga and doesn't have any power else poor Ayan would have turned into dust with they way she is looking." Everyone then looked at the screen and started laughing as what Samay Dev said is true. Ayan who saw the look on Rishu's face ran and hid behind Akshu. Aaru who was laughing like crazy saw him and questioned "Oh god Ayan you always talk about how you will protect Rishu from all the dangers on this planet and now you are hiding from Rishu herself? How will you protect her if you are such a scaredy cat?" This question made Rishu smirk and the audience laugh when Ayan replied "Arey di I can protect Rishu from any danger, monster or anything from this planet but I can't protect anyone else or myself from Rishu or her anger. She is like a volcano waiting to be erupted di. Will you willingly stand in front of an ready to erupt volcano?" Ayaan's reply made everyone laugh so hard people were falling off of their seats and the situation is not that different in Kaliyuga either. Aaru and Akshu were laughing so hard that Mimi, badi maa, Badi papa, AG and Surekha maa came out running to see what all the noise was. They all started laughing as they saw Rishu running around Ayaan with a stick. Badi maa came in between them and saved Ayaan and reminded them "Arey you are still here fighting? Don't you have colleges to go to?" to which Rishu with an angry expression said "Badi Maa you don't even know what this monkey did! I am going to kill him today?" Ayaan ran and hid behind Mimi while Badi maa and Surekha Maa held on to Rishu "Arey Rishu leave him. He is just joking. Besides forget about him, didn't you say your techer was going to explain about your final exams today and you have to be there early?" Rishu widened her eyes as she realized and replied "Oh no BM you are right! And I am late. Oh god I am leaving bye!" saying that Rishu got in her car and left while Ayan was ran to his car and went after Rishu.

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