Messing with the past pt.2

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'I gotta fix this but how?' Blaze thought as it was the next day and he was in the CHS field trying to find a way to make his moms meet and fall in love so that he and his young siblings would be born. He sat there thinking for a while before looking at the photo as it now revealed that Jesse's upper body was missing. "I don't have a lot of time either." He muttered when he heard the bell rang.

Blaze sighed before heading back inside the school and going to the cafeteria. He entered the lunchroom grabbed a tray and began grabbing food placing it on his tray before trying to find where to sit before spotting his mom Rainbow Dash with her friends Sunset, Fluttershy, and Pinkie hanging out at one of the tables. 'Now's the chance to try to get to know my mom more' Blaze thought as he walked toward them catching the attention of Dash. "Hey, you're the one that warned me about accidentally bumping into the one girl right?" Rainbow asked causing Blaze to nod. "Y-yeah I'm Blaze." He said.

"Rainbow Dash come sit with us." Dash offered as he sat down with them and was immediately face to face with Pinkie. "Hello! Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around. Did you just transfer here? Where are you from?" Pinkie started asking questions nonstop as she stopped once Sunset placed her hand on her shoulder. "Sorry about Pinkie she's a very energetic person. I'm Sunset Shimmer. And the quiet one is Fluttershy." Sunset said introducing their other two friends as Fluttershy waved shyly. "Nice to meet you three. And yeah you can say I'm new to this school, not the area though." Blaze semi-lied before looking at a poster that was nearby which was advertising a school dance. "Uh, what's the under-the-sea dance?" Blaze asked looking at the poster.

"Oh, that's just the annual school dance CHS usually does it's happening next week" Fluttershy said softly. "Really!?! That's perfect!!" Blaze said realizing that this dance also helped his two moms get together. "Yeah our group always goes together but this time we're trying to motivate someone to go with their crush," Rainbow said specifically that last part was towards Sunset. "Wh-what no way there's no way I'm gonna ask her," Sunset said blushing. 'So Aunt Sunset likes Aunt Twilight I wonder if that has to do with why she doesn't come over to our house when all my mom's friends visit.' Blaze thought.  "I'm telling you Sunset you should," Rainbow said trying to convince her best friend. "What about you dash you gonna ask anyone?" Blaze immediately asked startling the group.

"Hmm nope, not one person comes to my mind, besides not really my thing. I'm just going to enjoy it with the gang." Rainbow said taking a bite of her sandwich. "Oh, what about Applejack? She seems cool." He asked causing Dash to raise her eyebrow in confusion before swallowing her food. "The girl with the stetson?" Rainbow asked confused. "Yeah, why not!" Blaze said. "Uh, I don't know I barely know her the only thing I know about her is that she's friends with Twilight and that one girl who's dating Blueblood," Dash said. "You mean Rarity?" Fluttershy asked softly, " Yeah her and she always wears a stetson." Rainbow Dash said being skeptical about it.

"Think about it, Dash. You and Applejack have a connection, even if you haven't realized it yet. Trust me." Blaze said being persistent. "Look Blaze I get your new and I know you don't know me well but I'm not into that mushy stuff it's not my style," Rainbow said. "Come on, Dash! It's worth a shot!" Blaze persisted. "I mean he's got a point. I think you and Applejack would make a cute couple." Fluttershy said softly. "Yeah, I could totally see you guys together!" Pinkie said excitedly. Rainbow sighed before speaking, "Fine, if she asks me, then I'll accept but I'm not gonna be making the first move." Dash said.

Blaze grinned triumphantly, his plan set in motion. Now all he has to do is convince Applejack to ask Rainbow Dash to the dance. Suddenly the bell rang as Sunset, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Dash grabbed their trays and threw the food away. "You coming Blaze?" Rainbow asked as he nodded and started walking with them. "Oh goodness I left something in my locker. I'm gonna go get it." Fluttershy said softly. "I'll go with her," Blaze said as the two separated from Rainbow, Sunset, and Pinkie and started heading toward Fluttershy's locker.

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