Messing with the past finale part

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Blaze lightly jogged back to Twilight's workshop hoping that the seven of them would follow his advice and will finally get their happy future. "Aunt Twilight I'm back is the device ready?" He asked opening the door and seeing her work on the pocket watch Time Machine. "Almost just need to put the last piece and that's the crystal." She said taking it out of her lab coat pocket and holding the item before putting it in her pocket. Blaze nodded before going to a different part of the room in the workshop and took off his suit before switching back to his black jeans and blue hoodie with a yellow lighting bolt pattern before returning.

"How'd it go? Did you make your moms fall in love with one another?" Twilight asked. Blaze smiled softly before taking the picture out of his pocket and showed her the photo. "Yup, and I did some other things! So we should be good to go!" Blaze said excitedly. Twilight smiled taking the crystal and carefully placing the crystal in its place before a little shockwave was sent causing Twilight and Blaze to duck before looking and seeing that crystal was stabilizing.

"Not quite we gotta head to the outskirts of town otherwise we won't be in the same spot we originally were when we first tested the device but all in all it should work. We just gotta input the date." Twilight said closing the pocket watch case body and opening the watch seeing the mini screens on display before inputting the date which was January 31, 2024. "Let's go!" Twilight said as she and Blaze left the workshop one last time before heading to the outskirts of the city. "This looks like the same spot we were standing at when we first traveled back in time," Blaze said as Twilight nodded.

"You ready Blaze?" She asked as her nephew nodded. "Born ready." He said determined. Twilight nodded and closed the pocket watch before pushing the french bar down feeling a surge of energy coursing through her body when suddenly a bright flash engulfed them.

Twilight and Blaze opened their eyes and looked around to see that they were in the same position and still on the outskirts of town where they had decided to both test out the time-traveling device. "Did it work?" Blaze asked his Aunt Twilight. Twilight reached for her phone and looked at the date as it was still January 31, 2024, the exact date they had left.

"Yeah, we're back to the correct time!" Twilight said smiling and looking at her nephew. "Yes, we did it!" Blaze cheered. "Ha, you did it. You fixed the past. Now come on let's get you home. It's two in the morning." Twilight said noticing that it was still dark and she had to get her nephew home before his moms wondered where he was or had been.

She and Blaze then hopped into Twilight's car before she drove him home. "Bye, Aunt Twilight, thanks for the ride," Blaze said leaving the car and shutting the door. "See yah kiddo and get some sleep I know you'll need it after the adventure you just had. Take care." Twilight said before driving off as Blaze waved before entering his home.

The next day

Blaze was sound asleep on his bed until he heard his alarm ring. 'Time to get up!' He thought as he stopped the alarm and rubbed the sleepiness away before realizing he was still in the same clothes the day before. "What a crazy dream." He muttered to himself thinking that he had gone to the past and had to help his moms get together was a dream before getting up and leaving his room and started walking through the hall and passing by the living room.

Before doing a second glance he sees Jesse and Autumn watching TV on a big screen confused remembering how they had a small TV. "Uh Autumn, Jesse?" He asked as his little brother and sister turned to look at him. "Wh-what are you doing?" He asked confused. "Watching TV!" Jesse said excitedly. "On the big screen?" Blaze asked confused. "Well yeah, where else would we watch it on a small television." Autumn joked.

Blaze looked around and soon realized that the living room was different it was nicer with soft leather couches and couch chairs, as well as rugs and a coffee table in the middle. He then looked at the TV stand and saw two video game systems and lots of games and DVDs with a DVD player. "Kids breakfast is ready!" Blaze heard his mama Aj say as Jesse and Autumn went to the kitchen. "Breakfast? I usually make it."Blaze muttered to himself.

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