Ghost Whisperer

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She was only five years old when she encountered her abilities. It happened when she was attending a funeral that was held for a family friend's family member. She was sitting down next to her grandfather Raine Blitz as her parents were paying their respects. Rainbow Dash looked at the casket which held the man who had passed away he was fairly old and was balding. She then looked around the Mortouary taking note of the people before noticing something strange.

The same man who was in the casket was standing next to some people. Rainbow looked confused before looking back at the casket and he was still lying down. She turned her attention back to the man who was by the guests before feeling someone put their hand on her shoulder. "You can see him?" Her grandfather asked causing Dash to look at him and nod. "Can you see him too?" Dash asked as Raine Blitz nodded. "Looks like you inherited my gift," Her grandpa said as Dash looked confused.

"You have the gift to see spirits and talk to them, these spirits are called earth bound meaning they still have unfinished business as you can see he still has unfinished business. " He said as Dash looked to see the man was trying to tell the people who were his family that he loved them but they couldn't hear him. Dash got up and approached the people. "I'm sorry for your loss, if he was still here he wanted you to know that he loves you and he'll always be with you," Dash said walking away from the family.

The earth-bound spirit looked at her in appreciation and was surprised that someone could hear and see him. Dash sat back with her grandpa and looked to see the spirit was smiling at her before nodding when suddenly he disappeared. "And just like he's crossed through, all thanks to you Rainbow Dash, you have a special gift never forget that," Grandpa Blitz said as Dash smiled.

Time skip 11 years later

Rainbow Dash was now 16 years old and a lot has happened since she discovered her abilities that day. For starters, her grandfather had helped her with these abilities and she was now fully capable of helping the earth-bound spirits. At first, her parents were hesitant about her having these abilities but after some convincing they allowed her to continue. Then something else had happened her grandfather had passed away and she learned the hard way when she visited him and saw him thinking it was him but it turns out it was his earth-bound spirit. Even though she was in high school she was still helping earth-bound spirits cross over and thankfully she had support from not only her parents but also her friends.

Though she was hesitant to make friends in high school considering how her abilities would always scare people who wanted to be friends with her away, she had been able to create friendships with five people. Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy were her closest friends so close that Rainbow told them about her abilities and they didn't find it weird if anything her friends found it cool, and sometimes they would help Rainbow if she came in contact with a spirit no one knows about.

"Any unusual things happening?" Twilight asked. "Nope so far nothing but then again we're in school. A chance of an earth-bound spirit being here is very low." Rainbow Dash said. "Still but it doesn't hurt to have your guard up," Sunset said. The three of them as well as Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were in their last class of the day but there was someone else who shared the class with them. Applejack was a classmate whom Dash had every class with and she just so happens to also be the one who captured Dash's heart since the beginning of high school. Rainbow Dash always wanted to approach her and talk to her but Rainbow thought Applejack would be weirded out by her.

Soon the bell rang and everyone grabbed their belongings and left class. Dash was busy walking next to Fluttershy and Pinkie in the hallways while Sunset, Twilight, and Rarity were behind them. The six exited the school and began walking to Sweet Shoppe to hang out. Dash then noticed Applejack was walking in the same direction but Dash noticed something else two earth-bound spirits were near a building watching Applejack from a distance. One of them was a man with light skin, red hair, and green eyes wearing a beige stetson, light blue long-sleeve button-up, and khaki pants with brown boots. The other was a woman with the same skin tone but she had light orange curly hair and blue eyes wearing a yellow sun dress.

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