i hate shay

144 8 27

i gotta remind myself to add Kenny_Hoe to my love list


Some time has passed since my 'nervous breakdown

nightmare', and I need to finish getting ready for work. Angelica put my uniform out the night before today, so it's nice and dry.

I  got dressed and put my hair into a messy bun, brushing my teeth and singing Taylor Swift (duh). Angelica, being the bestie that she is, made breakfast for me to go. I thanked her on my way out and she smiled and hugged me goodbye.

I was the first to arrive at the Pizzeria, and Mike was unlocking the door. I tried to be quiet but I still startled him.

"JESUS CHRIST- You scared me!"

I snickered. "Guess you'll have to get me back."

He unlocked the door and I swear I could hear banging in the vents. "What's that sound?"

"Nothing. Probably just the rain," He dismissed me quickly. I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms. I sure had spunk for a girl talking to her boss.

He seemed to have gotten nervous and quickly walked into the kitchen to get started with pizzas. I heard him talking quietly and being a nosy person, I listened in. "Will you shut up? Y/N is literally in the building with me! Stupid animatronics!" I heard a raspy voice, so vague that I thought it could have been my imagination. "When are you going to tell her? You can't keep secrets well, Micha-" And then the voice stopped abruptly and I was met face-to-mask with my boss. 

 "What do you think you're doing, L/N?"

"Uhm, cleaning," I said as I awkwardly swept crumbs from a table into my hand. He crossed his arms. I wanted to change the subject and end the awkward silence so I nervously asked him to have dinner at my house. 

"So, strictly coworker trying to get to know her boss, do you maybe wanna have dinner with me and my friends at my place tonight?" He thought it over for a second and nodded. "Sounds alright. I'll have to be here to lock up, and you might need to give me a ride. I forgot my change so I can't use the bus." His voice got higher with every word and if he didn't have a mask on right now, he would totally be blushing.

I agreed and started doing my tasks. He headed into his office and the other workers started arriving. There was this really annoying dumb blonde (sorry if that's offensive I love blondes) named Vanessa. She flirted with Mike all the time.

Okay so I'm not boy-obsessed, I'm 22, but I'm still for sure boy-crazy. I didn't have a crush on my boss, probably, but he still was kinda attractive, You know? He's so mysterious, and kind, and fun\funny. I wonder what he looks like under the bandages. I also kind of felt guilty for feeling this way when I still loved Michael. 

I didn't notice I got teary-eyed until one dropped on the table I was wiping. My face got red and I cleared my throat. I looked up and Mike was staring at me, with a sad demeanor, like he was aware of my pain. He was startled and ran out of his office. The dumb blondie snickered next to me. "Ooooh, the boss has a crush!" I told her to shut up and added, "Isn't he like, old?" I asked her. "Nah, he's only 23. he's young." My jaw fell open and Vanessa chuckled. "And no other workers are on a first-name basis, man. He so likes you. He looks at you as if he's known you for years..." Her voice started to get dreamy and I groaned in disgust at Vanessa's obsession.

Just a couple more hours of this torture.

A loud and obnoxious familiar voice shouted throughout the restaurant. "Y/N!" Shay called in a sing-song voice. I groaned quietly and Vanessa eyed me. Shay walked up to me and hugged me. "Go ask your boss for a lunch break, baby. I wanna take you out somewhere." He does this at least once a month, and I kinda hate going out with him. Not able to refuse, I nodded and headed to Mike's office.

I knocked once, no answer. A second time, no answer. The door was cracked a bit, so I pushed it open just barely and saw Mike clicking stuff on his old computer, and muttering. The clanging in the vent was very audible in here. Mike's mask was off half of his face, the bandages were covering his chin. His skin was a weird grey/purple, though it might have been the lighting. His fluffy, rather soft-looking brown hair glistened in the dim computer light,

and his eyes.

His eyes were beautiful, yet strange.

He finally noticed me and yelped. "Shi- uhm, sorry. I was just wondering, my boyfriend is asking for me to go on break, and I don't want to. is there any chance you can verbally tell me no in front of him?" He stuttered but nodded. "U-uh, sure-!" I smiled awkwardly. "Your eyes, they're really pretty. So uh, yeah." He looked down but I could tell he was smiling. He stepped out of the office with me.

Mike was taller than Shay, but not by much. Michael was definitely better. Mike, I meant. (I literally typed Michael im so slow) I made a mental note to break up with my boyfriend later. Shay smirked and said, "Is this the Mike you've been talking about?" My face felt hot and I covered my face with my hands. "All good things I hope," Mike snickered. I could practically smell the jealousy from Shay. He knew I liked my boss.

Mike expressed that I couldn't have a break right now and Shay calmly walked me away from Mike. Calm was bad with Shay. "You like him, you pathetic bastard!" I stood there with my mouth slightly agape. People were staring. 

Shay shoved me against a wall and I was too stunned to retaliate. I flinched and felt a burning sensation on my face. I pushed him as hard as I could to but that did nearly nothing. He was a lot stronger than me, but I was smarter. I dodged him multiple times yet he finally managed to land a punch on my jaw. It hurt like hell, but I didn't wanna let him know that. "That all you got?" I teased him and he growled.

Mike came out and assessed the situation quickly. He easily knocked Shay out of the restaurant and shouted some things I couldn't say. "Are you okay Y/N?! Oh my god, there's blood- here come to my office I'll get the first aid kit!" I leaned on his shoulder slightly for support and he took me to his office, thank the lord didn't smell bad right now. It smelt strongly of air freshener, though.

I sat on his office chair and panic traveled across his face for a second, and a picture frame on the desk was slammed to the desk surface so I couldn't see it. He apologized quietly and I dismissed it. "I'm sorry about him. He's clearly foolish if he doesn't love you." I blushed and Mike seemed to realize what he said wasn't very boss-like.

"You don't have to tell me, of course, but why do you wear bandages and a mask?"


"English, sir."

"Skin disease."

I nodded. That explains a lot. The mask, bandages, the reserve...ness? Whatever that word is. I didn't know why he would be so embarrassed about it, though. People would understand. "It looks like you haven't changed your bandages. We can go get some and I'll help you, because boy, you cannot put those on right." Mike snorted. "And you're so good at this?" I nodded. "Yup. I had plenty of practice in my teen years. A boyfriend that could never not get into fights." I saw Mike smile out of the corner of my eye.

"My shift is basically over, let's go get some at the gas station down the street."

"Nonsense. I, uh... Don't have the money?" It sounded more like a question than a response. 

"It's fine, I'll pay. I insist. We can do that on the way to my apartment." He nodded and I took his wrist and led him to my car. 

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