Chapter 14: Persuasion

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Dante's pov:

The rolling hills of Epibreren flew past my small carriage window. The weather reflected my mood: high alert. The sky was filled with dark clouds, threatening to rain at any moment. Yet a small glimmer of sunshine broke the clouds, like my shimmer of hope for this meeting.

The first stage of my strategy is in motion. I've rehearsed my speech a million times over in my head. The Society will see me as the savior of the rebellion.

Getting out of court was difficult, but a few lies here and there does the trick. The foolish Epibreren forum thought I was visiting my armies in Forelsket, preparing for the skirmish. I suppose that's technically true, minus some details. King Dolent sent an unfortunate supervisor with me. Not an hour into our trip, he was tragically killed by a drunk bas*ered. So I wrote in my procession report.

"We've arrived, your highness."

The horseman called, and the Red Dragon's fort pierced the view.

Built in the middle of a vast lake were ten massive, square towers, which set a firm and strong defensive line. They're connected by fairly low, vast walls made of granite. Simple windows were scattered here and there across the walls in a seemingly random pattern, along with overhanging crenelations for archers and artillery.

A great gate with large metal doors guarded the entrance. A small, sturdy bridge offered a warm haven within those cold, isolated lands, and it's the only way in, at least without taking down the castle walls. An impossibility.

The doors were lifted, and I entered the diminutive courtyard. An old man walked towards me and led me inside. His scarlet robes rustled across the rough wood floors. The embroidered golden dragon seemed to be charging forward as he walked. He had no hair and cold eyes. Eyes that could command attention just from a glare.

Everyone in the meeting hall stood as we walked through the large doors and sat at the head of the table. A large battle map sat in front of me, with models of the fort and its defenses.

"You may be seated."

I theorize that this fort must've once been a palace. The inner architecture of this room suggested that it used to be a throne room. There were a lot of secret passages to protect whatever monarch lived here. The furniture had all been replaced and, most likely, sold to support the rebellion. The walls were lined with large banners and tapestries, all depicting a red dragon.

"King Dante, you said you had urgent news for us."

Dam* even his voice was cold. "I'm leading a combined force of Forelsket and Epibreren soldiers to seize this stronghold."

The crowd was shocked. Many were pale with wide eyes. Others looked at me with deep hatred. The Head of the meeting stabbed the arm of my chair. Missing me by a second as I grabbed my hidden knife.

"Our people believe that the deepest parts of h*ll are for traditors. Everyone in this room can easily send you there."

I let out a strained laugh. "You did not let me finish, sir. It is my intention to let you win this battle."

Gasps echoed through the hall. One young man stood and asked with a trembling voice, "Then why, uhhh even have the b-battle? It...It would tarnish your reputation; as far as I know, you've never lost, sir."

"Excellent question, recruit! My hand has been forced. Dolent commands that I reveal this hideout or my marriage to Y/n shall be overturned. And I could be accused and executed under Epibreren law."

"Who gives a sh*t about your marriage?!"

"Why should we risk our lives for you?!"

"We spent so long trying to secure this location!"

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