Chapter 3: Found

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Dante's POV

You'll know when you find her, bullsh*t.

I've ransacked my entire kingdom for five weeks. Ultimately, it led me back to Epibreren. I can't deny that it's a beautiful kingdom. The sky is a brilliant blue, and the sun is warm over my skin. The stone and wood houses are covered in expressive foliage. A small river runs through the middle of the street, with crystal water. Humble bridges dot the skyline.

It's the kind of place I would rather enjoy taking my wife to.

A small sigh leaves me at that thought.

My wife. HA. I'm confident she doesn't exist; my destiny is to be alone forevermore.


I stiffen, unused to being ordered. Spinning quickly, I see a formal carriage rushing towards me. Six powerful white horses not suspending their rush.

"Alexandre! Stop this thing." An enchanting voice echoed through the air. An angelic, gentle, innocent, beautiful, intoxicating voice.

I ran towards her, narrowly avoiding the carriage as it swiftly stopped. Most likely tossing the poor occupants of the cart. I glared at the coachman, an old, greasy man wearing what looked to be a high-status uniform. He had no indication how easily I could kill him. I'd love to see the anguish in his face; after all, he nearly killed me—a life for a life. Unfortunately, there's no way he'd recognize me; only the Forelsket royal advisors and servants have seen me. Additionally, my disguise made me look like any common citizen.

"Sorry chap."

Oh please.

The carriage door opened. "Are you alright, sir?"

Her voice.

I turned, not wishing to waste a second. I needed to see her, out of whom such blissful words came.

She was flawless and ravishing. Her shinny h/c hair had fallen out of whatever overstimulated hairstyle, falling like a perfect waterfall. Her s/c skin was imperfect, yes, but simply adorable. Her e/c eyes were magnetic, pulling me closer and closer until I was on my knees at the hem of her dress.

"Thank you," I said to whatever divine being let an angel stand before me. Unfortunately, I said that louder than intended, and she backed away from me.

"Oh, no need to thank me; that credit would go to our wonderful coachman."

So humble too. "Please, miss, is there anything, anything at all, I can do to repay you for your kindness?"

She looked uncomfortable in her crimson dress. It looked absolutely bewitching on her and suggested a high status. She wasn't wearing any jewelry. That's when I noticed the young man next to her, too close.

His brown eyes tore into mine. He was not dressed nearly as nicely as her—a simple patterned shirt and plain pants. It seemed his only source of wealth was a simple gold earring covered by his fluffy brown hair.

"We gave you quite a fright, didn't we?" He joked, yet his eyes were cold and dull.

She met my gaze, and the world was clear. "Please wait for just a moment, sir." She said this as she rushed inside the carriage.

Seconds are spent like hours.

She ran out with a small bag and thrust it into my hand. I felt sparks when her hand touched mine. I looked inside and saw expensive rings, necklaces, earrings, pins, and more.

"I'm terribly sorry for creating such a disruption in your day."

She's so kind. "It was well worth it to meet you. May we-."

The brown-haired degenerate grabbed her fragile arm and said, "We need to go; they're expecting us."

F*ck you; shut your pathetic, commonwealth mouth. I'll cover you in flames until all that's left is your stupid earring.

"Wait," I called with much more desperation than intended, "might I simply know your name?"

"Y/N," she called as he slammed the door. The carriage leaves; she's gone.

The Red Dragon Society could wait; they simply thought the King sent a messenger. Minutes pass.






I'll find you, my darling.

A/n: Someone seems a little jealous ;).

Thanks so much for reading and supporting me.

I appreciate you so much!

See you in the next chapter :).

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