Chapter 5: Delays

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Y/N's pov:

"I swear those kids are the cutest things in the whole world."

Me and Alexe were waiting outside on the smooth steps to the orphanage.

He smiled and looked at me. "Second cutest, you're number one!"

I shifted uncomfortably in my poofy dress, trying to ignore how warm my face was. What made him think it was okay to tease me like this!? Does he even realize the impact he has on me!?

"What?! No way."

"I am serious butterfly."

"Uh huh," I'm certain he's told that to half the population at this point, "Where is this carriage of yours anyway?"

"They probably just ran into a small problem; they'll be here soon. Why? Do you want to wait inside?"

"No, it's so beautiful out here. Look how clear the sky is; you can see so many stars!" Despite myself, I shutter.

"You're cold, aren't you?"

"No, I'm fi-." He didn't even let me finish before he grabbed me from behind, pulling me into a protective, warm hug. His arms wrapped around my chest as he leaned his head on my shoulder. At this point, I realized how strong he was; it felt like he could easily break my ribs with a simple hug.

"Stop struggling," he said, holding tighter.

"I can't breath!"

GASP. He loosened his grip but still held on. We stayed like this for awhile, looking at the stars, talking, and laughing. Eventually, I began to feel weary and felt my eyes go heavy. I fought the urge to sleep, thinking the carriage would arrive at any moment, but it never did. I noticed how Alexe became more and more frustrated and tense.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N; I don't know why it's not here yet. It's very rare for them to be late, especially if we have a member of the royal family with us."

"It's okay; this is nice."

He said nothing, but I swear I noticed a light blush dot his cheeks. I turned around and put my head on his chest. Slowly closing my eyes.

Alexandre's pov:


She's so soft and delicate. Sure, it seems a bit weird to watch her sleep, but she just looks so perfect. The way her skin shines in the moonlight is immaculate. We could stay here forever, and I'd be happy.

Suddenly, I heard the hoofs and wheels of my carriage. I slowly stood up and picked up Y/N. She was out cold. I carried her bridal style into the cart and shut the door.

Y/N's pov:

I was forcefully awoken as I flew out of the cart. Without any time to brace myself, I violently smashed into the rough dirt. I tried to stand but was met with a severing headache. My body fell once more on the unforgiving muck. I felt weary and could just barely keep my eyes open. Enough to see a figure walk towards me.

He picked me up and held me close to his heart. My limbs were failing in strength, and I couldn't make out who it was. But I knew it wasn't Alexe. His potent hands held on to me with desperation. I think he was saying something, but my eyes had finally closed, and I blacked out.

A/N: Let me know if you prefer more of a third-person pov or the individual character's perspectives.

As always, thanks for reading!

Dagger To The Heart {Princess x Yandere Boys}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang