Chapter 10: Contrive

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Y/n's pov:

Finally, I was almost finished with my search. The results were honestly very underwhelming; it was all lighthearted and innocent, and his childhood appeared to be casual and honorable. Even his large military campaign was to create a better life for his citizens. It all seemed too perfect.

The final cavity to explore was a small drawer labeled 4242.

I slowly opened it. The hinges creaked, and I saw a single, folded piece of paper with a dragon stamp. I grabbed it, careful not to damage it. I could barely recognize the penmanship. Silvestre had the most pristine writing I'd ever seen; this looked even worse than mine. Penmanship was never a skill I obtained; my parents still require lessons from me. I cautiously started reading.

Based on my interaction with the current King of Forelsket, I, Remy Silvestre, draw my official conclusions relating to the creditability of King Dante's character and intentions in the following account. 7 15 15 4-

The paper was forcefully ripped from my hands. Dante stared down at me, his eyes locking into mine, filled with fear. He let out a shaky laugh after reading over the document. "Do you know what this means, angel?"

He kneeled down beside me and gave me the paper.

7 15 15 4 10 15 2 6 9 14 4 9 14 7 20 8 5 3 9 16 8 5 18 14 15 1 4 4 9 20 9 15 14 1 12 9 14 6 15 19 15 18 18 25 9 10 21 19 20 14 5 5 4 5 4 1 19 20 1 14 4 9 14.

"I believe it's the Epibreren cipher we use to decode important information."

The air chilled as venom dripped off his voice. "Can you read it?"


He looked different. His burning red eyes locked into mine. The air chilled as he grabbed my shoulders. "Are you lying to me? You wouldn't do that. Right darling?"

I looked away, trying to block him out. He grabbed my chin and forced me to stare into his eyes. He blinked quickly, hiding the fear that had briefly flickered in his eyes. Replaced by a dull red. I shut my eyes, trying to disappear. I started trembling. "No, I'm not. My mother prohibited any type of education she thought was unladylike."

"Why were you in here, Y/N?"

"I just wanted to know more about you. And I was worried you were just using me for political gain. Malison told me that Father doesn't trust you, so I wanted to get a third-party perspective, and Silvestre happened to be doing that and........."

He let me ramble for a few minutes. Once I calmed down, he let out a breathy chuckle. "Dam* it, y/n. How many times do I have to tell you that I love you? YOU, not your title or political connections. Why would I marry you for political gain? That's never been done in Forelsket. My father told me that my family is based on love. We know our partners as soon as we see them; that's the way it's always been."

Dante grabbed the paper from my hands and put it in his jacket. "I know I didn't say anything to incriminate me. I'll deliver this to the King, whatever it says."

As he started to leave, I noticed his clothes were different from before.

"Why'd you change clothes?"

"I didn't."

"Yes, you did; you were wearing black before."

"Y/n, are you okay? Should I be worried?"

"I guess I'm just tired."

"May I walk you to your room?"

I smiled and hooked onto his arm. We walked in comfortable silence down the hall. Eventually, I had to lead him through the castle. It was cute how he pretended to know where everything was. Before I knew it, we stood in front of my door.

He looked nervous and asked, "Did you read any of Silvestre's notes about me?"

I blushed, and he laughed, understanding.

"Tsk, I never thought an angel could be a stalker."

"Oh, please, I was curious. Plus, there wasn't anything worrying that I read."

He smiled and opened the door for me. "May I see you tomorrow?"

"That would be lovely! What do you want to do?"

"I shall surprise you. Till then, angel." He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. "Do you need anything?"

"If you see my handmaid, can you send her up?"

"Of course, Malison, correct? What does she look like? I haven't quite put names to faces yet."

"She's young with red hair. Very beautiful. Green eyes. Standard uniform."

He looked slightly shocked by this, but quickly regained his composure. "I'll see what I can do."

A/N: Am I basing Y/n off myself a bit? Absolutely, I have terrible handwriting. :)

Thanks so much for reading!

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