Growing Up.

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Becoming an adult and maturing was so hard. I often look back on when I was a child and wish I could go back to that time of my life.

Cans of pop became vodka. Sweets became nicotine. I went from having a class full of friends to having none. My family kept all of the 'adult' problems from me. I felt safe. War only seemed real inside of video games instead of inside my head. The worst pain I could feel was falling over and grazing my knee. Everything looked big and colourful. When I said goodbye, it only meant until tomorrow. My mother was an angel who only wanted to protect me, rather than a monster who abused me. I didn't understand how expensive bills were or how hateful some people could be.

But for some reason, I couldn't wait to grow up.

I always hated people who said, "I'd love to be your age again!" or "you shouldn't wish your life away." But they were right. I would love to back and tell my younger self to enjoy life, to make the most of the innocence and freedom. 

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