Chapter 38

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The Great Hall was fairly empty at breakfast. Sophie sat with her head down as Cho ate beside her.

"Ughhhh. Never let me drink again." Sophie groaned. The party the night before had been everything Sophie could've hoped for. The group stayed up past sunrise laughing and drinking together while the Hufflepuff party took off without them. Sophie found herself wondering if anyone noticed her sudden disappearance from the party, but she had to remind herself she didn't really know anyone else besides Fred.

"You'll be alright." Cho patted Sophie on the back and took another bite of toast.

"How are you not hungover?" Sophie asked Cho as she propped her head up with her hand.

"I don't know." Cho shrugged as she happily ate breakfast. "Maybe because I didn't drink nearly as much as you." Cho teased with an innocent smile on her face.

"So unfair." Sophie dropped her head and sat still, forehead squished against her forearm. Sophie felt her shoulder being shaken.

"Fred's walking over here." Cho whispered into Sophie's ear. Sophie groaned again and sat up.

"Morning!" Fred beamed at both girls.

"Ooo not so loud." Sophie squinted her eyes and winced at Fred's cheery demeanor.

"Oh sorry." Fred lowered his voice and chuckled softly. "Hungover today?" He asked.

"Mmm." Sophie nodded.

"I didn't see you at the party after our chat. Were you still there?" Fred asked.

"Uh no. I ended up leaving shortly after." She felt her stomach swell with guilt.

Fred tilted his head slightly and smiled. "Why are you so hungover then?" He asked.

Sophie hated the way Fred was questioning her. As if she owed him an explanation. This was why she constantly felt guilty around him. She always had to lie to him in order for him to leave her alone. She wanted to tell him to mind his business when her mouth betrayed her and told another white lie. "Cho and I drank together in our dorm." Sophie pressed her lips together and looked at Cho for back up.

"Oh yeah." Cho nodded eagerly. "Nothing quite like a girls night in."

"Oh that's too bad. I wanted to have a drink with you." Fred confessed.

"Next time." Sophie forced a smile and looked at Cho, hoping for an exit from the conversation.

Fred watched the way Sophie avoided his eyes and felt uncomfortable. "Well alright. I better go. Feel better." Fred waved and walked away.

"How many times are you going to reject him before he gets the hint." Cho said as she turned back to her food. "Kind of sad really."

"I don't want to talk about it." Sophie took a sip of water feeling extremely guilty at her interaction with Fred. Why did she always feel like she needed to make him feel better? "There's too much noise in here." Sophie rubbed her temples. "I'm going to the pier for some peace. Want to join?"

"Can't. Supposed to meet my study group in the library. I'll come by later."

"See you then." Sophie smiled and left the Great Hall.

She strolled along the grounds enjoying the fresh air. Her body needed time to heal from the night before. She took her time walking until she finally arrived at the pier. A figure leaned up against one of the posts reading a book. At first glance she thought it was Theo, as she got closer she realized it was Blaise Zambini. She walked along the planks and sat across from Blaise. He looked up from his book and locked eyes with her.

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