Chapter 9

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Cho quickly grew out of her shell as she spent more evenings with the group. The need to study in her dorm for hours every day vanished, and she spent her free time enjoying herself with her new friends. A week had passed since Sophie had introduced her to the boys, and she fit in quite well with everyone.

The five of them had only known each other for a short amount of time, but they were practically inseparable. As soon as classes ended, the five of them made their way down to the lake one at a time to draw away suspicions, and spent the remainder of the day in each other's company.

Classes ended for the day and Sophie began her journey to the pier. She walked along the corridor with her books in hand and bag over her shoulder. As she took a sharp corner she found herself face to face with the last girl she wanted to bump into.

Angelina Johnson.

Sophie skidded to a stop just in time, barely avoiding a collision. The two girls stared at each other for a minute before either one of them spoke.

"Excuse me." Sophie said calmly as she tried to edge her way around Angelina.

Angelina didn't budge. She stood in place and crossed her arms while popping a hip slightly.

"I need to get by you." Sophie said, this time with a little more power behind it.

"Stay away from him." Angelina spoke sharply.

"Pardon?" Sophie asked furrowing her brows.

"You heard me. Stay away from him." Angelina spoke again while scowling.

"Who? Fred?" Sophie asked.

"Don't play dumb with me. Of course I'm talking about Fred." Angelina threw her hands at her side and gritted her teeth.

"Good news for you then. I have been staying away from him. In case you haven't noticed, he and I aren't together anymore and I haven't seen him since." Sophie's expression was almost bored.

"Don't sass me. I know you've got your claws in him." Angelina's nostrils flared as her frown remained.

Sophie scoffed and folded her arms across her chest. "How ironic. Telling me I have my claws in him."

"Watch your mouth!" Angelina spat. "Or I'll make sure you regret it." She took a step forward until their faces were only inches apart.

Sophie felt a warm arm drape itself around her shoulders. It was heavy and belonged to someone much taller than her.

"What seems to be the problem?" Sophie looked to her side to discover the arm belonged to Bronson. His words were spoken in a low growl.

Angelina shrunk slightly inward as Bronson towered over her. "Nothing. Nothing at all." Angelina squeaked.

"Hmm. Thought so." Bronson spoke confidently. Angelina scowled at Sophie then turned to take off in the other direction.

"Oh and one more thing Angelina, if I ever catch you harassing my friend here again, I'll make sure you regret it." Bronson's tone was playful and threatening simultaneously.

Angelina's shoulders slumped as she nervously observed his face. Bronson relaxed as he flashed her a bright smile and winked.

"Let's go." He whispered into Sophie's ear. The two of them headed towards the front of the castle and to the pier.

Once they were out of the castle and on the grass Sophie broke the silence. "Thanks for rescuing me."

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