Chapter 27

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The sky was gloomy and rain splattered against Sophie's window. It was August 30th and she was set to board the train to Hogwarts in two days, never speaking to Draco again. They already weren't speaking, but once they were at Hogwarts, Draco made it clear to her it was over. She very badly wanted to see Theo, Bronson, and Cho, but she couldn't stop herself from feeling sad about leaving Grimmauld place. Who knew when she would see Sirius or Remus again, and now her chance of finding another good Slytherin like Theo had vanished. Would she tell Theo about her and Draco's altercation? Or would it be wise to leave the relationship between the boys untainted with her own feelings. She wasn't sure what she would do once she was back at school. The evening grew darker and Sophie grew more anxious. A light tap at the door shifted her attention.

"Come in!" She called.

Kreacher entered. "Master Black would like you to attend dessert and coffee." Kreacher disappeared through her door.

When Sophie entered the kitchen she found coffee cake and mugs of coffee on the table. Remus and Sirius were already seated.

"Have a seat." Sirius smiled.

After a few moments Draco entered the room and sat at the table. His body was stiff and his eyes avoided glancing in Sophie's direction.

"Thank you both for joining us. Please, have some cake." Sirius began cutting a slice. "I thought we could enjoy one last dessert together before the two of you return to Hogwarts."

Sophie looked at Draco, no reaction.

"Now, we should discuss methods of transportation. I'm afraid it's rather dangerous out there. Especially for you Draco." Sirius finished cutting everyone's slice of cake. "Sophie, you are still underage so apparating is not a good idea. Draco on the other hand, you are of age. Remus will apparate with you to King's Cross station to ensure you make it on the train. He'll be wearing a disguise of course to deter any suspicions." Sirius paused for a moment. "Sophie, you will leave a day early. You'll be leaving tomorrow." Draco straightened up in his seat and his eyes locked onto Sirius. "Remus will guide you to King's Cross by Knight Bus. You're not on anyone's wanted list, but there is a war going on, so the two of you will wear minor disguises. Then Remus will come back here for Draco, and you will stay a night in Diagon Alley."

"Wow. Tonight is my last night here?" Sophie spoke. It hurt her to think her stay was cut a day short.

"Unfortunately yes, but Remus and I would like to ask you something." Sirius and Remus looked at each other. Remus gave a nod. "We'd like you both to return for Christmas."

Sophie perked up slightly, the thought of having a real place to go for the holidays made her feel better. "I'd like that a lot." Sophie said.

Draco did not react. She figured he wouldn't want anything to do with any of them once he went back to Hogwarts. She ate her cake and drank her coffee while Sirius and Remus chatted. Eventually it was getting pretty late, Sophie excused herself and went to bed.

Once Sophie had left the kitchen and Draco knew she couldn't hear them anymore he spoke. "Knight Bus!" Draco barked. "Anyone can take the Knight Bus Sirius! It could be swarming with Death Eaters!" Draco stood up.

Sirius' eyes widened at the unexpected outburst from Draco. "I'm sorry Draco, but I don't see another option. I didn't realize you felt so strongly about this."

Draco ignored Sirius' reply and continued yelling. "She'll be staying by herself in Diagon Alley! What if something happened!?" Draco was staring back and forth between Sirius and Remus as he yelled.

"Calm down Draco. There will be someone there to look after her. We're thinking of having Harry stay in Diagon Alley for a night." Sirius replied.

"You can't be serious. Potter?" Draco spat.

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