Chapter 13

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Draco Malfoy woke up gasping for air and his body was covered in sweat. He sat up and slouched down as he clutched the sheets and regained his breath. The new bedroom he was staying in at Grimmauld place was extremely dull. The sheets were a dark gray, the curtains around the small window were gray, there was a desk, a bed, and a night table that were all a dark stained wood that matched. He didn't have any belongings with him, so Sirius had provided some plain t shirts and jeans for him to wear, as well as some cotton pajama bottoms.

Draco examined the room before ripping the sheets back and throwing on a t shirt. He placed his feet on the cold wood floor and stood up from the bed. He glanced back towards the window. The sun was barely shining through, making it just after sunrise. The window had a small window seat and cushion, just like the other windows in the house. He paused for a moment, intently watching the window. His body lunged forward as he reached for the window, grabbing the window sill and trying to force it open. The window wouldn't budge, and he could feel magic wafting from the area.


His body slammed down into the window seat as he dragged his fingers through his hair in frustration.

If only I had my wand

Draco cracked all of his knuckles out of habit and violently pushed himself up from the window seat. A pair of blue jeans sat on top of the dresser, and he changed from his pajama bottoms to the jeans. He walked to the bedroom door and cracked it open to peer out. The hallway was dark and Sirius and Sophie's bedroom doors were still shut. He quietly crept to the bathroom and locked himself in. The water from the sink was ice cold as he splashed it on his face and leaned over the sink, clutching the sides until his knuckles turned white.

He whipped his head up as the sound of a door opening down the hall echoed. Quiet footsteps creaked on the wooden floor towards the bathroom. The footsteps stopped once they reached the bathroom door after realizing the bathroom was occupied.

Draco grabbed the door knob and yanked open the door to see Sophie's bedroom door latching shut and nobody in sight. He stood in the doorway with his hand still on the handle breathing hard. He shut his eyes tightly and rubbed the bridge of his nose before letting out a long sigh and letting his hand fall to his side. He stepped into the hallway and closed the bathroom door behind him, then closed the door to his own bedroom after stepping in.

Draco spent the rest of the morning hours seated at the window seat peering out. He didn't move from that spot for hours as the morning faded to afternoon and then to evening.

He continued to peer out until a loud crack erupted from the other side of the room. Draco jolted and looked towards the commotion to see Kreacher standing near the door.

"Master Black says you must come down for dinner." Kreacher croaked.

"Aren't you house elves supposed to fucking knock?" Draco said irritably.

"Master Black said not to take no for an answer." Kreacher said wringing his small hands.

"Fuck." Draco mumbled under his breath. "Fine. I'll be down." He rolled his eyes and turned back towards the window. Another crack erupted and Kreacher was gone.

Draco hesitantly stood up and walked out of his bedroom. Sirius' door was wide open and Draco paused to look inside. The bed was messy and unmade, and there was a desk with two chairs in the middle of the room covered with papers and various artifacts.

My wand

Draco glanced down the hallway before beginning to head towards Sirius' desk. A loud crack sounded beside him making him jump.

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