Chapter 25

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Sirius, Draco, and Sophie were all seated in the living room each reading a book. The three of them had not spoken any words in an hour. Sirius cleared his throat and placed his book on the table beside him. "The Order is having a meeting tonight."

Sophie looked up from her book. "Oh. Is that good or bad?"

Sirius chuckled. "It's neutral. I'm letting you know because the meeting will be held here." He looked back and forth between the two teenagers. A look washed over Sirius's face as he stared at Draco.

"What?" Sophie asked with confusion. "Am I missing something?" She looked back and forth between Sirius and Draco.

Draco tilted his head slightly and looked directly at Sirius. "Sirius would like me to hide in my bedroom and keep my mouth shut." Draco spoke lazily. "Am I close?" He continued to stare across the room at Sirius.

"Well I wasn't going to word it so harshly, but yes. I need you to remain in your room and not exit until I give you the all clear." Sirius replied.

"It's okay Malfoy, I'll stay with you so you're not lonely." Sophie replied reassuringly.

"No." Sirius spoke sternly. "The Order knows you're staying here. If they want to see you I won't have a reason as to why you're not in your bedroom."

"Well that's just not fair. Why does Malfoy have to be exiled?" Sophie asked.

Sirius began to speak until Draco cut him off. "It's fine Verilia. I'm actually going to turn in now." Draco stood from his chair keeping his book in his hand. "Goodnight." Draco disappeared up the stairs.

"Honestly Sirius. It's not fair both sides of this war hate him." Sophie spoke softly.

"I know, but my hands are tied. The Order doesn't know what happened that night in Malfoy Manor. Dumbledore made the decision to keep Draco's whereabouts a secret."

"I just don't understand why." Sophie asked.

"The two of you will return to Hogwarts. Imagine if everyone knew what happened that night. Draco will be living amongst Slytherins. I can't make the decision for him what he wants his classmates to know." Sirius explained.

Sophie paused. Every time Hogwarts was mentioned she felt as if her reality was being shattered. She liked the little bubble she lived in with Sirius and Remus. She even enjoyed Draco's company on occasion. Once she returned to Hogwarts she would never speak to Draco again. They were running out of time.

"Okay Sirius. I trust you." She lifted herself from the couch and headed for the stairs.

"Thank you Sophie. No one should bother you tonight, but please keep an eye on Draco in case he tries to leave."

Sophie nodded in Sirius' direction. "Okay." She headed up the stairs to her bedroom.

Once inside her room she latched the door shut and collapsed onto her bed. She rolled onto her back and stared blankly at the ceiling.

What would Draco tell everyone at Hogwarts?

His classmates would surely kill him or tell their parents if they knew what actually happened. Would he lie? Would he be brave enough to tell the truth? Could she pretend she hated him once they were back at school?

Suddenly a knocking jolted Sophie back to reality. Had she fallen asleep? She shook her head and smoothed out her hair as she climbed up from her bed. She opened her bedroom door to find Draco standing outside.

"Malfoy! What are you doing? The Order is going to be here soon and you're supposed to be in your bedroom."

"Yeah but my room is boring. Let me in." Malfoy said inching forward.

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