To Whom It May Concern

Start from the beginning

They both stepped towards each other. Mikaela once again tried to get inside Kyros' guard. He was leaner, more agile and saw holes in Kyros' defense that he could exploit. He'd leaned slightly down and twisted back, bringing his right arm from behind and aiming straight up to lock onto Kyros' jaw once more.

I prepared for the impact. I practically heard it in my head.

There was no hit. Kyros leaned back at a precarious angle with both of his fits up to his chin, avoiding Mikaela's punch by less than a centimeter. He had the advantage now, Mikaela was completely unprepared after throwing that uppercut, it left him completely vulnerable on his right side.

Kyros did not punch him. Instead, I heard him softly remark once again. Whatever he said had Mikaela narrowing his eyes in confusion and then they were wide with surprise when Kyros dropped his fists and tackled the surprised prince to the ground.

Mikaela was pinned within seconds, Kyros had his entire body sprawled over him, there was no getting up and out of it. He struggled in vain for a good few seconds before giving up.

Kyros did not get up after Mikaela's struggles had ceased. The atmosphere in the training yard below had changed. Their hearts would be beating quite fast after all the exercise. Kyros hovered over the prince's face as they grinned at each other.

Hidden behind a pillar on the second floor balcony, in the silence of a training yard tucked away in a quiet corner of the palace, I watched as my brother leaned forward tenderly and kissed my fiancé.


"I'm sure having Kyros back has been wonderful. I know Mika has been in a better mood. Two years at the interstellar border and he's come back as a general! You must be proud Nikolaos! Not even you could boast the feat." The King expressed loftily.

We were in the King's private conservatory in the north wing of the palace. My father and I had been invited to an afternoon tea with his Majesty.

"Dradora has been aggressive in recent years, it gave him the opportunity to rise quickly by proving himself on the battlefield. His victory at Abrilan secured our position in the east. It secured our trade route with Zyrin, they've even started work on a stronghold." My father chuffed with pride as he went on about Kyros' accomplishments.

The King nodded his head in agreement over his tea cup. "He's raised the troops morale as well. Even though he's young the other generals listen to him without contempt. He's a natural born leader and popular, I doubt anyone would object if he were to be the next General Commander."

"Oh I can think of a few." My father mused as he sipped his tea.

"I can only hope that some of his diligence rubs off on Mika. The council's become impatient with him. They're already rushing the wedding. I fear that Mika will retaliate with a vengeance if they keep pressuring him." The King's voice was filled with concern.

"Oh I have no doubt about that. No doubt he's already thought of a way to get rid of Aemon, he's just being considerate towards you, your Majesty." Despite the threat to his council the King wore an amused smile.

"They think he's naive because he's young and doesn't get involved in court matters. Kyros probably faced similar obstacles at the border. He seems reckless but he's got his own plans for Dradora unfolding and he doesn't trust the current council so we'll all have to just wait and see." The King mused as he plucked a handful of grapes from a platter.

"They do seem to be unnecessarily difficult with him. He hasn't even gotten his mech yet. He wasn't allowed to serve at the border when he wanted to either."

"Ahh, that might be my fault. I was quite an age when he was born. A single heir has had them all on edge since Sasha's passing and I've refused all other consorts since. He is not me and I am not him but I've long accepted him as the future King. He'll make Egreya proud." The King revealed no hint that he didn't believe his words.

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