5 -- Two Different Kinds of Proposal

Start from the beginning

"So Bastian, why don't you start by telling me where my husband is?"

"I have no clue, but I know of a guy who most definitely has that information."

How ominous. "Okay, I bite. Who is it?"

"Jackson Pierce."

"Marcel's brother?" I laugh. "Your intel is bad. Jackson hates Marcel for joining the Crimson Disciples and would've killed him if their paths had ever crossed again."

"In times of dire need, blood tends to be very thick."

I lean closer. "What evidence do you have that Jackson knows where his brother is?"

"Trust me, my lead is solid."

"Then why don't you go and ask him yourself?"

"Because we both know that you don't just walk up to Jackson Pierce unless you are in his circle of trust or have a death wish."

"Then why do you think it would be any different for me?"

"Because you are still his sister-in-law, so he won't shoot you. Granted, he also won't talk to you, but that's not required. All we need is for you to be in his proximity for fifteen seconds to pair his phone and spook him enough to call Marcel."

"It only takes fifteen seconds to pair a phone?"

"With our tech, yes."

I lean back and run my fingers over the rim of the cold glass. Anything Jackson Pierce related was an off-limits topic for my husband, so Bastian's plan is bound to fail. Even on the slim chance that Jackson knows where his brother is, those mercenaries who shield him will never let me get close enough to make this work.

"Sorry, not interested. What you are asking is insane."

About to stand, his hand covers mine. Hard eyes that send a cold shiver down my spine keep my butt in my seat. "You should think about this very carefully. It might be your only chance of ever finding Marcel."

"After he abandoned me in Hong Kong, what makes you think I even want to find him?"

"Oh, I could think of five million reasons. That's how much money he stole from you, didn't he?"

Give or take a few hundred thousand euros. "I'm sure that money is long gone."

"Maybe it is, but then there's also the issue of your son. Marcel just left Hong Kong, even though he knew it could only end badly for you guys. If I were you, I'd be itching to get even with him."

I gobble down a few mouthful of Bulmers to hide that he hit a nerve. "Why are you interested in him?"

"That's not important."

"Will you kill him?"

"Why would you care?"

Fuck, the man is evasive. "Look, I know nothing about you, so why should I trust you?"

His lips twitch. "Because I'm the only one who can help you find Marcel. That makes us allies, and I can guarantee you one thing: as long as you cooperate and don't try to double-cross us, my organization means you no harm. You can even keep any money we recover."

"Are you a Crimson Disciple?"

He rolls his eyes. "Names are just labels. Marcel pissed off so many people that half the world is looking for him. I'm one of them, and that should be enough."

Fucking easy for him to say. As far as I can tell, he has no stakes in this alliance other than realizing he got scammed with a bad lead and hoping for better luck next time. Jackson Pierce won't blow his brains out. "I need to sleep on it."

"No, you don't." He sighs. "Please, don't make this difficult. I already have enough problems as it is."

"Maybe it would help if I had something to relax."

Thoughtful eyes drill into me. "I got plenty of that in my hotel room."

Smuggling drugs into the country—even if only for personal use—means that he can't be working for any of the government agencies that are after Marcel, which makes him nothing but a fancy crook. Now I just need to figure out who his boss is. "How much?"

"I don't want money." He offers a smug grin. "No, if you want those little magic pills, you'll have to give me something more . . . intimate."

C'mon, mate, don't make it that easy.

I figured I'd have to break into his hotel room to dig up any dirt on him, but now he's literally giving me the access to the information hotline. I dip my hand into my coat pocket and fist the small baggie of ground up sleeping pills I brought just in case. They will send him to la-la-land well before I have to take off my clothes.

"Where are you staying? Is it far?"

"It's the D-Hotel in Scotch Hall right down by the Boyne. We can walk from here."

Also a short distance from where I parked my car, which would allow for a quick getaway. "Okay, you got yourself a deal."

Total WP count: 4,559

So Chelsea is off to spy out Bastian's hotel room (without having to take off her clothes). Do you think that's gonna work? I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please let me know if the ending made you crave another installment. Thanks for reading!

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