19: Kitchen Bar Stools

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**Spicy Warning**

Charlotte's Main View

"Wow, you actually suck at this," Charlotte laughed as she beat Ethan in another round of Mario Kart.

"It's my first time playing, give me a break," he shot back, rolling his eyes at her despite the smile on his face.

He tossed the remote aside and turned so they were snuggling, with his face in her lap. She set her controller to the coffee table and let him pull her closer.

Char started stroking his hair -- it was surprisingly soft and very pretty. He groaned and turned his head so his face was pressed into her belly instead.

"You smell good," he mumbled into her skin. She gently laughed and kept playing with his hair, which he seemed to like.

He slipped his hands under the hem of her t-shirt, making it ride up her stomach, and gripped her waist as he pressed his face deeper into her, dramatically sniffing like a caveman. She laughed and tried to pull his head away, but he didn't budge.

"Stop acting like an animal," she told him, pulling at his hair in a weak attempt to get him to stop sniffing her. He lifted his head up and pulled her down the couch so his head was almost level with hers.

Char felt her eyes widen and his erection pressed into her hip. She was getting kind of flustered and nervous at the idea of another encounter with Ethan. He set his elbows on either side of her head and leaned closer to her.

"What's wrong, princess? You look like a deer in headlights. Are you scared of me?"

She shook her head and arranged her face in disbelief.

"I'm not scared of you," she scoffed. Charlotte wrapped her legs around him and pulled his hips closer into hers.

"No, of course not," he told her, mimicking her obvious tone. "Not at all." Before she could respond, Ethan rolled onto his feet and pulled her up with him.

"It's getting late and you haven't eaten all day, I'll cook for you," he told her.

She blinked at him, dazed.

"And us!" called a voice from the stairs. Charlotte turned her head around to where Colton was sitting in the stairwell, watching them.

"How long have you been there?" she asked him.

"Long enough to see your little moment if that's what you're asking."

She turned around as a blush overcame her face and Colt laughed.

"No reason to be embarrassed. We all watched Reece fuck you, didn't we, baby?"

She turned back around and stared at Colton, shocked.

"Is reminding me about it supposed to make me less embarrassed?" she asked annoyingly.

"Yes," he answered simply. "You were magnificent."

He smiled at her, then nodded at Ethan, and headed back up the stairs. His door closed a few seconds later.

Charlotte cleared her throat and turned back to the kitchen, where Ethan was turning the oven on with a small smirk on his face. She walked across the room on knees that were a little less stable than they should be and sat at the bar by the kitchen. Ethan began cooking.

"So... what are you making?"

"Lasagna." Ethan moved his hair out of his face with his forearm and continued his motions.

"Ooh. that's perfect!" she said, resting her chin in her hand. "What would I do without you?"

He snorted and washed his hands, putting the tray of food in the oven then coming to lean his elbows on the bar, across from her.

Four Roommates One CharlotteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora