11: Loud Sleeper

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Charlotte's Main View

After the movie finished, she threw away the empty M&M's box and practically booked it to her room on shaky legs.

She showered, changed into a t-shirt and panties, and got into bed as quietly as possible. She was still practically trembling from her denial at Jackson's hands, as well as a little loopy from staying up almost all night. She still couldn't believe what her sweet Jackson turned into.

Lottie slid her hand under her panties and found the wet mess he had turned her pussy into. She let out a sigh when her fingers found the slick flesh and covered her mouth, conscious of the other sleeping people in the house.

She wasted no time and began rubbing her clit, which was aching in anticipation of being touched. Her mouth opened and a quiet huff of air came out. Her breathing picked up as her fingers worked on her pussy, and she was clenching over and over and over until she thought she might cum just from that, without even needing to touch herself at all.

She couldn't help but let out some almost silent moans and whimpers, but overall she was being very quiet. Even her labored breathing wasn't too loud. Her fingers picked up speed as she got closer to the edge, and she groaned with delight, excited to finally get her orgasm.

Her door creaked open and she jerked her hand out of her panties, to the dismay of her pussy. A silhouetted figure walked into her room. She sat up and squinted at him, trying to see who it was.

"Who is it?" she finally whispered.

"Colt," he whispered back with a scratchy, sleepy voice.

"Do you need something?" she asked, pushing down annoyance at the interruption to her orgasm.

He stepped closer to her, into a beam of soft light where she could see him better. He came and sat on the edge of her bed, rubbing his eyes.

"You were just breathing super heavy. Wanted to make sure you were doing okay." He looked at her with tired eyes, and she blushed. He heard her touching herself.

"Sorry. I'm fine, Colton. You can go back to sleep."

"Okay." He padded out of her room,

Char decided to continue, she was so close to cumming.

She pressed her lips together and slid her hand back into her panties, taking extra steps to quiet her breathing. Her clit was sensitive and swollen from the repeated edging, and quickly she was getting close again. It was more intense than the last one, this time. She threw her head back and a broken, quiet whimper escaped her lips as she got close. Finally...

Suddenly Colton appeared in her doorway again, and she removed her hand from her panties again, groaning quietly.

"Sweetheart, you are cute as a button, but tonight you are the loudest sleeper I've ever heard. You need to be quieter so I can get some shut eye."

She squirmed under the covers as her orgasm faded and waved him away with the hand that wasn't wet.

"I'm not going to make any sounds, I promise. You can sleep."

She resigned herself to the fact that she was going to have to find another time to take care of the need between her legs. Fuck you, Colton and an even bigger fuck you Jackson for putting her in this situation. Why are the walls so thin up here?

Colton shook his head and got into bed next to her, covering her mouth with his hand and closing his eyes, looking like he had fallen immediately asleep. He left the door open again.

She rolled her eyes but lay there, tolerating his hand on her mouth. The throbbing, tingling feeling in her pussy didn't dissipate, but soon she was relaxing into his hand and falling asleep alongside him.

That night, Char's dreams were erotic to the point where she woke up with a hand wedged between her legs.

She opened her eyes to the sight of Colton's sleeping face. His hand had fallen from her mouth to rest between them on the bed.

She located the source of her awakening when she registered the whispering coming from her doorway.

Reece, Ethan, and Jackson stood there watching them. When they saw her watching them, they fell silent.

Reece walked up and whispered to her, careful to not wake Colton, who was still sleeping.

"You guys are in the same bed," he commented with a questioning eyebrow.

She blushed. "It's not like that. I was making noise last night and it was waking him up."

"What kind of noise?" Jackson asked her with a knowing grin.

"Sleep noise. The kind that sleeping people make."

"If you say so."

"Huh?" Ethan asked.

"Nothing," she dismissed, and carefully slid out of bed without disturbing Colt.

She turned to say something to the guys, but was stopped short by the sight of their eyes sliding up and down her body. She glanced down, remembering she was just in a little shirt and panties before blushing.

She picked out a pair of cute shorts and a nice t-shirt for the day, quickly changing, a little uncomfortable with so many eyes on her. "Alright, show's over, I'm afraid."

"I have to go to work," she heard Ethan mumble behind her. She peeked around to see them all staring at her ass without hiding it.

She tore the covers off Colton, who was just in his boxers, and he held up his hands in surrender and got out of her room.

The crowd dispersed and she shut her door. She quietly got herself a fresh pair of panties, having soaked the ones from last night.

She was still as worked up and desperate as how Jackson had left her. She was going to have to find a way to take care of that during the day.

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