Chapter 21

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Mochi had discovered a small opening Mallory had crawled through. The area had her scent according to Mochi. Since they were just at the surface, they could hear the screams and chaos just above them. "Sounds as if nothing has gotten any better," Natsuki said before stepping ahead of Macaria. There were wooden crates stacked as if someone had placed them here to be stairs that lead to a hole in the ceiling. It seemed large enough for them to slip through.

"Stand back," Natsuki warned Macaria and Mochi as she outstretched her arm towards the hole in the ceiling. Electricity began to surge around her hand causing sparks to fly in every direction.

"Wait," Mochi jumped onto Natsuki's shoulder which slightly startled her. "Don't make it any bigger. If we can at least slip through that that's good enough. If we need to run, we can slip back down here and hope that our pursuers can't fit through."

"You've got a point, cat," Natsuki nodded as she waved her hand to dispel the sparks from her hand.

That is a clever idea. I'm sure we could find some scrap to place nearby so if something does chase us, we could cover our tracks, Hoshiko thought aloud.

Natsuki decided to be the first to climb up the sketchy wooden creates and popped her head through the hole. She was silent as she carefully scanned the area. Once it was safe, she then squeezed herself through the hole. Macaria climbed up the creates and poked her head through. The air up here felt cooler and didn't feel as warm and stuffy as it did I the tunnels. She then squeezed her arms to the surface where Natsuki took them and helped pull her to the crumbling floor. This area didn't look much better than where they had just come from.

"Alright, so we should avoid anyone with blood red eyes, that's what Mallory said at least," Macaria said as she dusted the dirt and small debris off her skirt and began to look around.

Natsuki nodded, "That's right. Hurry, we need to go- "Natsuki suddenly stopped as she watched as Macaria found a sizeable piece of scrap metal a feet away from them and dragged it next to the hole where they just came from. She then smiled, "Oh, I see what you're doing. Good idea."

Mochi began to rummage through a nearby junk pile until she found a metal bar that was about two feet long and about three inches in diameter. "Oh yes, now this will do nicely," Mochi whispered as the metal bar burst into flames in her paws. Macaria and Natsuki watched as the cat stared at the flickering orange and yellow flames. They could see nothing, but violence and the reflection of the scorching flames reflected in her purple eyes.

"If this cat is crazy, then that means Simon is crazy too since he raised her, right?" Macaria whispered to Natsuki. They were both afraid to take their eyes away from Mochi.

"Well, she did call herself a psychopath a bit ago," Natsuki reminded her.

Suddenly, there was pounding on the boarded-up entrance as if someone was trying to break down the boards. "Hurry up! They're coming!" a childlike voice sobbed.

"I'm trying!" shouted a young female voice. Macaria and Natsuki rushed to the boarded-up entrance and tried to yank the boards off. "Don't worry, we'll get you in!" Natsuki shouted.

"Please, help us! They know we're here! They're almost here," the voice shouted. Macaria could feel an adrenaline rush and began to tug at the boards with all her might. She then stepped back and felt mana flowing to her hands.

Stop! You don't want to hurt them or let the infected know of this hiding spot! Hoshiko shouted as he quickly withdrawn the mana from her hands. A burning sensation burst in her hands as she screamed in pain. This pain was more intense than before.

"Macaria!" Natsuki shouted in fear.

"I'm fine!" she reassured her as she looked at her hands, they were bright red.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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