R. Lupin

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My job is driving me insane & I read the bEST marauder's fic on tumblr today (Tulips series by @ amiableness if any of you are on there) & feeling bad for Remus in my current fic so thought we could have a little Remus love

Song is Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden and every time I hear that one part I think of Remus

Also my engagement has made me really sappy and (hopefully) able to write fluff again and this has been stuck in my head all morning (rockstar!remus x reader, rockstar!marauders, hurt/comfort, abuse)

A roll of thunder boomed overhead, shocking the crowds of people all together, everyone's eyes flicking toward the sky which had thankfully decided not to downpour just yet. It was only one more block to the venue. I had seen it on their instagram a few days ago, even if it had been nearly two weeks since I'd spoken to any of them.

I pressed lightly to the swollen skin beneath my eye and picked up the pace, not looking forward to getting caught in the downpour. I just wanted to see the boys. To see Remus. To have fun again.

There was a line stretched across the front of the building and spilling over into the street, two large bouncers out front checking tickets and I smiled to myself. That was us just a few years ago. Before the boys had blown up practically overnight. I wondered if they still snuck into concerts once in a while. I knew how much they loved them.

I snuck towards the back of the building, the large cement wall blocking the back entrance from the public, though the bricks shuffled effortlessly with a light flick of my wand as I hurried through, a smile pulling to my lips at once. The back door was propped open only a crack, a fragmented piece of brick between the door and it's frame and I knew they were in there. Remus always left the back door cracked for his many smoke breaks between sets.

I let the door shut silently behind me, hearing the final clap of thunder, the rain following suit and crashing to the pavement, a distant muddle of screams from the fans waiting in line out front. I looked from side to side, deciding against meeting them backstage when I heard the music, the closing verse of one of their most popular songs from the latest album.

I snuck along through the dimly lit hallway, following the cheers nearly drowning out the new song.

"Heaven send... Hell away..."

My eyebrows dipped together. Not only had I never heard this song... It was Remus singing it.

I hurried around the final corner, the crowd stretching throughout the large building as I kept to the edge, finally spotting him. He was still off to the side, Sirius playing guitar in his usual spot at the front of the stage, yet Remus was the one singing, and the crowd was going insane.

"No one sings like you anymore-"

The crowd was nearly drowning out his voice now before the drums picked up unexpectedly and James leaned towards his mic.

"Look who it is!" He shouted dramatically, waving one drumstick my way as Sirius and Remus spun towards me, Sirius's lips pulling into a grin while Remus's face fell.

"Moon!" I could vaguely hear Sirius's voice even though he was no where near the microphone, his fingers moving absentmindedly over his guitar as Remus flung his own stand down and lowered his guitar to the ground before disappearing from the stage, Sirius hurrying to pick up the lyrics in his place.

"Shit." I mumbled, avoiding the stares and the murmurs of the girls around me and ducking back into the hallway. I had only taken what felt like five steps when his body crashed into mine, the familiar scent, cigarettes and pine trees, enveloped me.

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