8. When the Marauders Want to Hear You Sing

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A/N: I saw this song in a tiktok the other day about Remus x Sirius & now every time I hear it I think of them. The Sirius streak remains. I love him.

Remus' study group had long died out, everyone headed in small groups up to their dormitories besides the four of us. James and Sirius were messing with a muggle record player against the coffee table which Sirius had been gifted for Christmas from his uncle, James owling home the very next day, begging for specific vinyls to be mailed.

Which is how we found ourselves some of the last people in the common room. Remus was perched, legs crossed on top of the oversized arm chair beside the couch which I had claimed hours ago. Despite the ache growing behind my eyes from the hours of studying I'd gotten through tonight, I was at least comfortable, leaning back into the soft cushions of the couch, legs tucked to my chest to rest a book in my lap, scribbling lazily through what would surely be the last project of the night, my eyes begging for sleep.

I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things...

"Will you guys be quiet?" Remus groaned, hardly lifting his head from his page as James and Sirius leaned back to admire their work on the record player.

I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings, be your Valentino just for you

I pulled the quill back from the page, trying to read over what I had down so far, biting the feathers at the end absentmindedly.

"Ooh, love, ooh, loverboy..." I sang under my breath, hardly realizing that the music was on at all, my brain apparently begging for anything that could take my mind from the Goblin Rebellions.

What're you doin' tonight, hey, boy?

"Set my alarm, turn on my charm," I brought my quill back to the page and scribbled out the next sentence, wrapping up the essay. "Ooh, let me feel your heartbeat-"

I looked up as the music stopped, catching James and Sirius grinning at me from the floor in front of your couch.

"What? Did you break it?" I looked towards the record player now, the essay long forgotten. It would have been nice to have some music around here, maybe I should have helped them set it up.

"You can sing." Sirius was watching me, wide eyed as James launched himself onto the couch at my side.

"What?" I asked again, feeling the heat creep to my face as I realized their prank. They had shut the music off on purpose.

"I told you idiots." Remus called from his spot, a smile hiding on his face as he continued to scan over his book.

"You guys shove off, I'm nearly done. Play your music or don't." I set my focus back to my work as the record picked up again with a small squeak.

This time, it was Sirius's voice that rang over the music, "I'd like for you and I to go romancing, say the word, your wish is my command." His face appeared beside my lap, a grin spread from ear to ear.

"Hush." I held a finger to my mouth, James holding in laughter beside me.

"Sing with me!" Sirius begged, pulling gently on my arm to try and get me to drop my book.

"When I'm not with you... Think of me always..." He sang softly, "Love you, love you-" His voice grew louder until I was sure no one left in Gryffindor tower was sleeping through this.

"Hey, boy, where do you get it from?" I smiled, holding back an eye roll as his gray eyes lit up. "Hey, boy, where did you go?"

"Learned my passion in the good old-fashioned school of loverboys-" He stood up, dancing around the couch until even Remus had set his books down, watching the dark haired boy jump the table, appearing between James and my head and leaning down.

Dining at the Ritz we'll meet at nine precisely, I will pay the bill, you taste the wine, driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely.

"Just take me back to yours that will be fine!" Sirius sang under his breath, the warm air hitting my ear as I smiled up at him.

"Ooh, love, sing it Moony!" Sirius pointed at the boy who shot him an amused glance. "James?"

"Ooh, loverboY!" James moaned out with a grin, shooting me a wink and I couldn't help but laugh at their theatrics.

"Why won't you sing for us?" Sirius tilted his head as the song closed out, his eyes piercing into mine.

"That's so weird, what are you talking about?" I laughed, shutting the three of them out entirely, diving back into my essay.

"You sang for Moony." James pushed his lip out in a mock pout.

"I didn't sing for Remus?" I brushed him off.

"How'd you know she could sing, Lupin?" Sirius asked, circling back in front of me on the couch, eyes thankfully trained on the tallest Marauder.

"I hear everything." He answered, vaguely, and I assumed he must have been talking about the way his hearing picks up nearing full moons.

"So you'll sing for us now, right Princess?" Sirius's voice was teasing as he pulled the book from my grip, his eyes meeting mine again.

"Wrong, Princess." I teased, snatching it back and tucking my paper inside to mark my spot.

"But it's beautiful." He sat himself on the arm rest behind me, gathering my hair into his hands and brushing it out along my back before leaning closer to my ear. "You're beautiful."

I felt the blush creep to my cheeks again, thankful that he was behind me this time, a shiver running down my spine as I felt his fingers trace my back through my sweater.

"I'll make you a deal," He said, his tone indicating that this deal was not going to be one that I would be interested in. "You can either... sing for me when I ask... or go on a date with me."

"Sirius!" I turned towards him, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"Say yes."

"To which?" I teased, unable to tear my eyes from his.

"Both." He laughed, earning a slap on the chest which he pretended nearly knocked him from his perch on the couch. "A date then? Next weekend?"

I peeked towards the boys, Remus at least pretending that he wasn't listening in while James' eyes were glued to the two of us.

"Okay." I agreed. "Next weekend."

"That's my girl." He winked, sliding down into the narrow space between me and the edge of the couch, toppling me from my comfy spot, his arm sliding around my waist.

"Not yet," James pointed out, sending Sirius a knowing grin and leaning back from the attempted slap from his best friend.

"Don't worry, love, James and I will train him up by next weekend. We won't send you out to the wolves." Remus cut in.

"Wolf." James corrected, the three of them laughing as I shook my head, shutting my eyes and leaning into Sirius with a deep sigh, deciding that my homework was done for the night.

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