7. George Being Shy

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Request: George Weasley getting shy to ask the person out, but the minute they say yes his confidence is like through the roof. - @ssummerseason

A/N: Guys please send me more requests, I'm DESPERATE!! I read like every single marauder/weasley/draco/mattheo piece on tumblr today, I physically don't think I could find any more on that god forsaken website if I tried

"She's not going to say yes, this is stupid." George spoke half to his brother, half to his reflection in the mirror as he pulled on a third sweater.

"Maybe not if you're seriously going to wear that." Fred snickered, George tossing the discarded sweater onto his twins head before reaching for another. "I'm only joking, it's going to be fine. I've never seen you like this, it's embarrassing to be honest."

"Sorry you've never been this into a girl before, maybe one day you'll know how it feels." George sneered, finally settling on a plain gray sweater with black lining around the collar and sleeves.

"Just get on with it." Fred nodded towards the doorway before George stepped into the hall on shaky legs. Fred was right, he had never felt like this. Sure, there had been other girls, but that had been nothing compared to this. They had been nothing compared to her.

He had been thinking of nothing besides the beautiful girl for practically months now, despite having barely spoken to her. Sure, he tried, but every time he was around her all of his words turned to mush in his brain. She probably thought him an idiot.

He finally hit the last step into the common room, glancing around, his stomach fighting over whether he was more nervous to see her or to not. But it didn't matter what he wanted anymore, because there she was. Of course. It was Saturday, it was freezing outside, everyone had been shut in all day, crowding the common rooms, forced to work on school work.

She was sat next to two Gryffindor girls that George didn't know. Scratch that, he did know one of them, even if her name was escaping him. The Weasley's knew nearly everyone, or at least, everyone knew them.

Which is why, he told himself, it wouldn't be weird for him to approach the three girls. He's just being friendly. Granted, if the friends didn't leave, he knew there was no way he'd be able to ask the girl anything of importance. Even if they did leave, he still wasn't sure the words would make it out.

"Hey, girls." He spoke, thanking Godric that his voice sounded normal at least, despite his stomach feeling twisted into knots.

"Hey, Weasley." The girl he should know answered, the other girl offering him a smile.

"Hey, George." Her voice cut through theirs as she looked up at him, her eyes shining with joy as she sat with her friends, her long hair rolling down her back effortlessly, a few messy strands framing her face. It was Saturday, no one had even left the tower except for meals, yet she still looked this gorgeous?

And she had called him George. Not Weasley. George.

He let himself fall into the arm chair beside their couch, feigning exhaustion as if he hadn't been shut up in his dorm all day doing nothing but trying on clothes and talking himself out of his spiraling.

"Long day, already? It's not even lunch." She giggled and I felt my stomach flip at the sound.

"Oh, you know, got tons of work done already. Got a few pranks for next week on the books, so you'd better stay on my good side."

"We'll keep that in mind." She looked to her friends before another Gryffindor girl entered the already noisy room and waved the girls over.

"Gotta go, Weasley." The first spoke, standing from her spot.

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