6. Falling For the Other Twin

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Request: "one where the mc is with George and then she ends up falling for fred"
- @Fartlmao

A/N: I don't actually like this, I don't want to make George a bad BF so I'll have to try another one.

"I'll be right back, I swear. I swear!" George promised, pressing a glass of punch into the girls hands. "It's too good, y/n. You know it is. Can't pass it up."

"George, you could do this anytime-" She protested, looking around at all of the dancing couples and desperately wishing they were still out there, his hands on her waist.

"Yeah, but it's so much more fun at the fricking yule ball," He glanced towards the doorway where Lee was stood. "I'm coming! I'll be back in ten, swear." He pressed a fleeting kiss to her forehead and sprinted off towards his friend.

The girl sighed, scanning the room for her friends, or at the very least, anyone she could talk to who wasn't dancing the night away.

"This is taking forever..." Fred whined, the three boys tampering with the enchanted ceiling from their spot in the hallway for what felt like half an hour now.

"Yeah, we have to get it, I told y/n I'd be back in ten minutes... and that was like ages ago." He muttered, shooting another spell towards the ceiling, rolling his eyes as it bounced back off.

"You-" Fred started, turning towards his brother. "You left her in there all alone? To do this stupid bullshit with us?"

"This is a quality prank, she understands!" George smiled with Lee who's turn was up to try another spell.

Fred shook his head and turned on his heel, crossing back into the Great Hall to look for the girl. It didn't take long. He knew exactly what she was wearing, having had to keep his jaw shut when she had walked in with George two hours before.

"Hey, gorgeous." He dropped into the seat next to her, staring down into her empty glass as she twirled it around in her hands.

"Oh, hi Freddie." She offered him a smile, yet it didn't reach her eyes.

"My dick brother left you here all by yourself?" He asked as if he didn't know the answer.

"He's not a dick." She replied, a small smile hidden on her face. "He can't turn down a good prank."

"Ah, but this isn't a good prank." Fred said, "The idiots just want the room to freeze when they get through the ceiling." He nodded up where the flurries of snow were falling overhead.

"Oh." She nodded, looking back to the glass she was holding. Fred reached out for it, taking it from her and setting it on the chair next to his.

"D'you want to dance?" He asked, watching her closely for any sign that she thought he was being weird.

She laughed, softly. "No, Freddie, that's fine. I'm fine."

"See, normally? I would trust you. But it's criminal to leave you over here where no one can see how beautiful you look."

She blinked, looking up to where he was stood before her now, his hand reaching for hers.

"You know I'm not going to give up..." He shrugged and, biting back a smile, she took his hand, letting him pull her through the crowd of students.

"Now, it'll take you a minute to catch up. You're used to dancing with George and I'm a lot bett- hey!" He grinned, laughter spilling into his words as she smacked his chest.

The next song started up as he set his hand on her waist, not caring what was proper. Not caring, for once, that she was George's girl. She was dancing with him, that had to mean something.

Her fingers twisted into his hand, the other one settled onto his shoulder, her entire body felt rigid, as if she was nervous to even move.

"If you shut your eyes, I'm just like him." Fred teased, a little pang against his heart at the words.

"No," She laughed, looking to their feet and back again. "You're not."

She looked at the ginger. The biggest prank trio in the school could be setting off the school year's most talked about event right now, but here he was, dancing with his brother's girlfriend so she wouldn't be bored.

His fingers crept around her waist until they rested at her back, and she braced herself for what she knew was coming. At the swell of the song, he pressed into her, dipping her towards the floor with a devilish grin.

"You're too smart for me, huh?" Fred traced his tongue along his back teeth, impressed.

"You have a tell." She shrugged as he moved her back into the dance, his hand now falling lower onto her hip.

"A tell?"

"A pranking tell." She giggled, watching his eyebrows scrunch. "I knew something was going to happen."

"What'a my tell?" He demanded, having up until now thought of himself as a decent liar, certainly a more than decent prankster.

"Not telling. That's how I navigate between you idiots without getting pranked."

"Ah," Fred nodded, speculating. "Is it that? Or do we not prank you because maybe... we like you?"

His eyes locked onto hers, his stomach squirming as he waited for her answer.

"No," She shook her head with a small smile. "You don't like me that much"

"Maybe George doesn't." Fred answered without a second thought. "But I do."

"How much?" She felt breathless, hopefully from the dancing.

"So much..." The red head whispered, leaning in closer to her face until their noses could practically touch...

A rush of cold air passed between the two, the crowd jumping apart and looking towards the ceiling where the small flecks of snow were now drifting onto the dance floor to a thunderous applause, the staff scrambling at once to fix it.

"Thank you... For dancing with me." The girl murmured, turning back to Fred, small white flakes stood out in his hair.

"My pleasure." He nodded, mostly to himself as he dropped your hand, stepping backwards before turning from the girl and rushing towards the staircase.

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