4. Remus Lupin Being Shy

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Request: "marauders era something with lupin being awkward around a badass oc" - Personsarepeopletoo 

"Looking good, y/n." Sirius shouted as I passed their tables, James grinning along beside him, Remus sneaking a look as well before shooting a glare at his friends.

"I'm aware." I answered, grinning as Sirius shook his head with an eye roll, never letting up on the ridiculous flirting despite how hard I tried to ignore it.

"Will you be gracing us with your presence at Quidditch practice tonight, or is that optional now?" James shot over a cocky grin and a wink, taking another bite from the muffin he was working on.

"Piss off, I was sick, I told you."

"Didn't sound very sick when you told me." James shrugged, though I knew he was teasing. As strict of a captain as he was, he never pushed the team past their limits.

"She was sick all day, you git." Remus piped in, trailing off on his last words as if wishing he hadn't spoken up.

"Thank you, Rem." I smiled, leaning against the table next to him. "You do something new to your hair?"

His hands flew to his head at once, combing through the front of his messy hair before answering. "My... hair? No? No, it's... no."

I bit back a smile at his rambling. "It looks good. I gotta get going, I have a question for Slughorn-"

"I'll walk you." Remus shot up from the bench, pulling his bag after him and wincing as it caught on the table with a bang.

"Ah, but then you'd have to hear my incredibly stupid question." I took a few steps backwards, still watching him, trying to decide if he should sit back down or not. "You can walk me, I'm only joking."

"Right," He hurried to fill the space between us as we headed from the Great Hall. "What's your question?"

"Now really, Lupin, you think I want you and your pals to have more ammo against me?" I smiled, nudging him when he didn't laugh.

"I won't tell them." He smiled back, finally. "And I bet it's not even that dumb. You do great in Potions."

"Spying on me, Remus?" I let myself enjoy the light pink that surfaced at his cheeks.

"Spying on you." He scoffed, not looking back at me. "It's easy to see when people are bad at potions. Things blow up."

"Yeah, I know, I've seen Sirius and James if you're not there to read them the instructions."

I watched him grin, still looking to the floor, watching our feet as we started down the stone steps.

"No one else is in here, I'm gonna hear your question, you might as well just ask me." He shrugged, dropping his voice and leaning against the doorway.

"Oh, I didn't realize... where'd you get your teaching credentials Professor Lupin?"

"Funny," He nodded as I started towards Slughorn's desk, hurrying to spit my question out in a whisper, hoping Remus's hearing wasn't too spectacular.

A few minutes later I had my answer, scrawling a few notes onto my parchment before tucking it back into my bag and heading towards my usual spot. James and Sirius had arrived in my absence, as class was due to start any minute now. The two dark haired boys looked at each other for only half a second before pushing past Remus to grab spots next to each other, grinning back at the tall boy.

"Wankers." He muttered, scanning the room as if he could no longer see me.

"You can work with me, Rem, s'long as you swear we'll get a good grade." I took my seat in the desk beside theirs, Remus sliding in beside me, his bag dropping to the ground with a thud.

"If he can stay focused, that is." Sirius snickered under his breath, which I ignored, my full attention on Slughorn as he began to explain todays lesson.

"Sorry your friends ditched you." I spoke quietly as everyone gathered their supplies.

"Don't be." He answered half beneath his breath. "I like working with you."

"Oh yeah?" I pressed my lips together tightly to hide the smile. "Why's that?"

"I'll get the... stuff." He practically cut me off mid-sentence, scurrying towards the supply closet, returning with jars and bottles piled into his arms.

The two of us set to work, leaning towards the middle of our desk to check the book every few minutes before continuing on.

"So what does your little posse have planned for next weeks prank?" I referred to, of course, the Great Hall having rained all through lunch on Tuesday, everyone resorting to finishing their damp meals in the hallway until McGonagall arrived to sort it out.

"Couldn't tell you even if I knew, y/n." He wore a small grin, which told me that he definitely did know.

"Just trying to plan ahead, I'm not sure if I'd quite like another trip up to Gryffindor tower weighed down with sopping wet robes."

He looked to me at that, guilt settling into his eyes.

"You got that wet?" He frowned, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize -"

I laughed, ending his sentence early as I turned to the next page of our book.

"I'm kidding, Rem. I thought it was funny."

"James' idea." He mumbled. "I just figured out how to do it."

"And that's why this is gonna be a perfect score, isn't it?" I smirked, grabbing a flask and scooping some of our potion to take to Slughorn, pretending not to note Sirius and James shaking their head to the third Marauder.

"You're hopeless, Mooney."

"Just ask her out, will you?"

"Yeah, you're the only one of us she even tolerates." Sirius was hardly bothering to keep his voice a whisper.

"Hey, she tolerates me just fine!" James bit back.

"I'm going to do it. I'm going to hex you both." Remus hissed.

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