~Chapter: five~

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Hayden pov

As I wake up I see Luke laughing and pointing so when I look over to see them all laughing and Knight's outfits and I sat up and look at them all.

'Now what the hell did I miss Luke' As I said that both Luke and Cilia look over at me.

'Hayden you awake' Luke said as he walks over to me and helps me stand up and I look at the other bonding but then they notice what they were doing and stop.

'Oh. I thought you lot were bonding' I shouted out to them as they all look at me and smiled.

'Hayden' They shouted and walk over to me.

'You feeling better my God' Harry says as he walk up to me and hold my hands and looks for any more lines on me and I chuckled at him and I held his face.

'I'm find Harry. But what did I miss you lot' I ask them as they laugh as they go to explain.

'Mm, how about you don't tell me and me and the boys go find Ben while the girls go do what you want and we will meet back at Evie's in two hours, Okay?' I said as I look at them all.

'Sounds like we're going with my plan, I'm just saying.' Uma said as she looks at me and winks and then Mal.

'It was kind of the obvious plan' Mal said as she looks as Uma.

'Uma said it first' Gil said as he looks at Harry, me then Uma.

'Right. So my plan.' Uma said as she looks at Gil then me. As the girls walk away and I lead the boys with the help of Jay and Luke as we then walk out the castle and into the wood. As the others shouts ben while me and Luke look up as we told Drogon and Hook-river to fly over the wood and look for ben.

'Dude' Carlos shouts for Dude as he comes over.

'Come on. Nothing?' Carlos says as he and Dude talk.

'When I have a dog can you make him talk as well Hayden' Luke as me and he holds my hand and helps me lean on the tree.

'Sure I will sweet boy you can have as mean as you want. So do you like Dizzy Luke' I said to him as I watch his cheeks go red and look away.

'No. I do not' He said as he looks away and at the other.

'I know you do Luke, you look at her like she is the star to your night sky. It's how I look at Harry sweet boy' As I put my hand on his cheek and he leans into it and closes his eyes.

'Okay, I do are you happy Hayden' He said as his eyes are open and looking up at me as we hear Harry laughing so we both look at him.

'Tourney, that's a wee boy's game.' Harry says as he looks at Jay while he holds his hook.

'Hey, you know what would be fun? To go rafting on a jungle river.' Gil says to Jay as he looks at Gil.

'Find a lost civilization' Jay says back to him and eats more food of the bush.

'Oh, or maybe a penguin.' Gil says as me and Luke chuckled at him.

'Oh, well, you'd find those more in like icebergs, but I'd love to see one of those.' Jay says as he looks at Gil with a small smile.

'You guys are killing me' Harry says as he walks over and pick up a cherry from the bush with his hook and eats it and pick another on up and walks over to me and hands feeds me with his hook and looks over at the hand that's on Luke cheek and Harry grabs my other on and puts it on his face and holds it there and looks at Carlos.

'P.S. your mutt went that way' Harry says as he pick me up and looks at Luke and gives him a cheeky smile.

'His mine kid' Harry says as he follow the other and Luke and me laugh at him.

The son of a god 3 (Harry hook x male reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें