~Chapter: two~

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Hayden's PoV

As the three of us walk throw the people I see Evie and I nodded my head at Doug as him and the band play music as the three of us walk but as we got the blue stand I wave at everyone and then walk of to stand next tot Evie. As I turn around to see Mal try and follow me. Me and Evie chuckled at her and I nodded at Fairy Godmother so she can talk.

'Bippity-boppity, one, two, one, two. Can everyboby hear me?' Fairy Godmother says as everyone shouts yes. So then she gives the mice to Ben.

'Thank you, Fairy Godmother. What's up, Auradorn' Ben says as everyone starts cheering.

'Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon.' Ben says as he looks at everyone that's cheering.

'It worked out for pretty well for the first five.' As I chuckled at remembering what had happened as Evie hits my arm.

'Mal, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention, I'm in love with you?' Ben says as I look at Doug as he pulls out his guitar and Evie stands behind them. As everyone says Awww Carlos and Jay walk over and stand by me then Rose walks over and raps her arm around mine as I look up to see my children flying but Hook-river and his father Drogon as they both lands on the school and look at every one. As then Ben starts to sing.

'I met this girl

That rocked my world

Like it's never been rocked

And now I'm living just

For her and I won't ever stop

I never thought that

It could happen to a guy like me

But now look

At what you've done

You got me down on my knee'

As Ben got on his knee I walk over and grab the mice and held it for him. As he pulls out a box and holds it in front of Mal.

'Mal, It's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be me Queen?' Ben says as every one looks at her then we heard a no shout out but the Drogon goes to bit them or well maybe scare them. As Mal then says.

'Yes' As we all then started to cheer as well as my children but the roar instead as Ben and Mal kiss. As Ben and Mal walk down they walk to the others as Rose walks over to Mal as they talk but when they all look at me.

'Mal if you didn't say yes I would of' As we all laugh but I then stop and look at Ben.

'If you hurt her Ben I will bure you alive with dragon fire' As I look at him and he nodded and I chuckled at him.

'All bow to Her Royal Majesty.' Jay says as Mal walk over to me for a hug with Ben following.

'Oh, yes, Her Royal Purple-ness.' Carlos says as him, Jay and Evie bow at Mal.

'Silecne, you annoying peasants or I have my hand burn you alive with dragon fire' As Mal looks at me and I put my hand on my sword ready to pull it out and smirk at the other.

'As your hand my Queen' As she walks away.

'As you wish, my liege. But maybe not the dragons' Jay say as he chucked at me as I hold my sword.

'Your Crankiness.' Carlos said at I chuckled at him as put him in a head lock and mess up his hair as he try's to get out but he laughs. But when I stop I look for Mal to see her with Audrey but she then walks away I then wave my hand around as smoke cover me as I change my outfit.

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