"So what did you decide?" her father asked after some minutes.

"About what?" she asked.

"Who among you is going to abandon your family?" he asked seriously.

"No one," she answered.

"So it's you," he stated.

"Papa, please. Try to understand......" she pleaded.

Aditya stood up, took his plate to the kitchen and left the apartment not hearing whatever his daughter was trying to say.

He went to the park near the building to clear his head. He needed some fresh air badly this time. What has gotten into his daughter? He was walking mindlessly in the park when he saw Abhi across the road. He was standing with a few paper bags in his hand. Unknowingly, Aditya followed him. Abhi went to the slums located at the back of the building and handed the bags to the children there. It appeared that the children knew him from before. They looked happy. He talked with them for a few minutes and turned to leave. Aditya made sure not to get caught stalking him. That would have been so embarrassing.

Abhi went inside the building again. Aditya stood outside the building for some time. However hard he tries he could not bring himself to hate this man. His gut feeling told him that he was a nice person. He has seen an example of it just now. Why he had to be Arvind's son? That's the only problem. If he cut all ties with him, then it would be fine. He can think of Abhimanyu's alliance with his daughter then.

But his daughter denied the idea. Should he talk to Abhimanyu about this himself?
After a few minutes of inner battle, he went to the fifth floor. He was about to open the door of his daughter's flat and enter but turned the opposite side instead. He rang the bell twice waiting patiently for the door to get opened.

The door opened, revealing a shocked Abhi. It looked like he saw some ghost standing at his doorstep.

"Stop looking at me like that!" Aditya said irritated with the look he was giving him.

"I am sorry! I was just not expecting it... Leave it. Is everything alright?" Abhi asked.

"No, nothing is alright. All thanks to you," he answered.

"I am sorry for causing you trouble. But I am not sorry for loving your daughter," Abhi said as curtly as he could.

"Shut up! Didn't your father teach you to at least ask the guests to enter the house," Aditya snapped.

"Oh! Sorry! I thought... Come inside, please," Abhi said opening the door wide and shifting to the right giving him space to enter.

Aditya entered the flat, observing everything around. He scrunched his nose looking at the hideous painting hanging on the wall. Abhi followed his gaze immediately, regretting hanging it in the living room. He did that to irritate Aaradhya. It seems her father has the same taste in art as her.

"It's modern art," Abhi said quickly.

Aditha said nothing just shaking his head. Kids these days! They like the weirdest things and call it modern art!

"I'll remove it if you want," Abhi added noting his expression.

"Just to make it clear, I am not here to renovate your house. Just do whatever you want!" Aditya said.

"Sorry! Do you want water? Or tea or coffee? Or something else?" Abhi asked quickly.

"You want to marry my daughter?" Aditya asked ignoring his questions.

"I do," Abhi answered.

"And you will keep her happy?" he asked.


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