7. A need

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Talia had had a good day and night and now she was ready to hit the sack and sleep for hours. She smiled to herself when she realised that she was managing to keep Mason on a slow boil. She knew he couldn't wait to be in her bed again but she wanted to make sure that she established herself in his business first. She wanted him to see her for what she could do outside of the bedroom.
She heard a car pull into the drive. She walked over to her window and looked out. "What the.." she went down to open the door to Riz. "You need to get outta here..."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to fuck with you

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"Don't worry, I'm not here to fuck with you.. naw.. I've got someone in the car that wants to talk to you..."
He gestured to someone to come over. The car door opened and Amelia got out.

"Oh hell no!" Talia said shaking her head. "absolutely not get her the fuck away from my house now..."

"T she needs some guidance...

" What do you think I've been trying to do for the last few years... I obviously am not enough for her, she needs more support than I can give...

"Talia... I'm sorry..

"Fuck you Amelia... FUCK YOU!.."

Amelia burst into tears.
"Talia, she needs you" Rizz reiterated.

Talia looked at her sister, she was so full of raw emotion and pain. "do you feel anything for what happened to Cara and Alfie?" She asked her.

"Yes, I miss them... But you and Mason were going to take my baby away from me, and I panicked."

"did I ever say that I was going to make you have a termination?" Talia said.

Amelia shook her head. "No, but...

"Don't Millie... Those two innocent babies lost their lives, because you couldn't see past yourself... You are the most selfish, motherfucker, that I have ever met in my life... All you care about, and all you think about is Millie, Millie, Millie" Talia snapped.

Amelia looked at her. "Zain said, if I have a termination, he will stay with me... So if I did that, it would make everyone happy right?" Amelia said.

Rizz shook his head, he looked at the floor. Talia was taking her back by her own sister, and how shallow she was. "So, after everything that's happened to be able to stay with him, you are now thinking about terminating the pregnancy." She looked at Rizz. " you need to get the fuck out of here and away from me as soon as possible I will not be held responsible for what I do to her."

"see, she never listens to me" Amelia said bawling her eyes out.

"go and wait in the car" Rizz said to her. As she walked back to the car, he looked at Talia. "surely you can see that she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed... She needs help, you cannot leave this girl with yo father T...

" I can do what I want Raheem... I have taken care of her since my mother left. I have done everything I possibly could to put her on the right track. She has never been focused, she doesn't even care about school, all she cares about, is which boy she is gonna FUCK next!" She snapped, and then calmed down " all I can do is speak to Mason to make sure that Zain backs off... But you heard it yourself she doesn't even know what it is that she wants... He's already turned her head by saying that if she got rid of the baby, he would still stay with her, which we all know is complete and utter bullshit, but she doesn't see it on that level... All she sees is Zain and his dick" she took a deep breath and sighed. "I will check on her at the house when I am able to."

"you do realise that yo father tried to extort money out of Zain today... And you really want to leave her back there with him, I took you for a better person than that Talia... You know what he did to you"

Talia narrowed her eyes. "Don't ever speak to me about my father again, okay!...Just take her away because I can't deal with her right now and I shouldn't be expected to after what she did" she told him straight and walked back inside, shutting the door.


".. she is through here....

Mason followed Caleb, one of his club managers through to the backstage of his own strip club. Mason looked at him when he saw who was sat in front of him. "Leave us" Caleb nodded and left. He then focused his attention on Khadija, and for a few seconds he didn't even know what to say.
"so, this is you now... Lying about being at Stacey's and thinking you could get yo 15 year old ass a job in my club" he said, raising his voice.

 Lying about being at Stacey's and thinking you could get yo 15 year old ass a job in my club" he said, raising his voice

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" No, I came to see my father actually, to see if he could be bothered to remember that I am his daughter. I knew that the only way I could get your attention was to say I was going to work in one of your clubs, how fucking sad is that"

"You need to yo tone with me, Deej..."

"do you even care about us at all... Naomi is still a young kid... She has no idea what is going on between you and mom, but her lil world is being torn apart and neither of you care... It's like you have this vendetta with each other, and we are just collateral damage stuck in the middle" she told him " and is it true, that you are actually fucking a stripper now!.."

"DEEJ!." He snapped. " I don't ever wanna hear you cursing in front of me. It makes you sound like a tramp" he calmed himself and sighed.

" me, and your mama have grown apart... You will learn as you get older, that there is no point in staying in a relationship. That isn't a happy one... It would have detrimental effects on all of you if we did that" he told her.

"but I miss you, Dad" she said with tears in her eyes. "Mom is something else right now and I don't even want to be around her."

He pulled her to him and gave her a hug. "Why don't you come and stay back at the house... It is yo house too, I don't want you to be away from me I just don't want to be with yo mother anymore" he said " come and stay now, for tonight and then tomorrow bring Naomi and we will all have dinner together."

" I would really like that." She said hugging into him.


Talia had had enough of not knowing where her mother was, she was sick to her stomach that she would just leave her, and the younger kids the way that she did. Although, many times before she had thought about, trying to find her mother, and then cast it to the side, because she knew that she would rip her head off if she ever saw her again. This time she really felt like she needed her mother to know the chaos and mayhem that she had left behind when she walked away from them all those years ago.
She took out her cell phone, and she called a friend of hers in the police force.
"hey Talia, what can I do for you?"

"I'm ready to find her... Can you work your magic?"

 Can you work your magic?"

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"sure thing" he replied.

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