Roses are Red

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A few days before Valentine's, I was playing fortnite. I've only been playing for a fortnight (two weeks), but I'd say I'm pretty good.

A guy that looked like Spiderman, but different, came up behind me. I thought he would try to kill me, so I turned and shot him. Before I was able to do more hits, he started dancing. So I stopped.

I joined him, using the basic emote because I'm poor.

Then I noticed the border was getting close, so I left him. I found a motorcycle and went to the fields. Where I was trying to kill someone. I was failing, miserably! My health got to, about, fifty, and I thought, "This is it..." and low and behold, I see Spiderman, coming to save the day.

Him and I started dancing again.

I hopped on the bike, and so did he. Since I never know where people want to go, I just went to the gas station.

At the station, he got off, so I took it as my cue to do so as well.

I got bored and started emoting, while waiting for him. He emoted and gave me a rose!

What happens next is a blur, but we ended up somewhere else. Where I was shot dead at the scene of the crime.

I got ninth place, not even realizing how many people were left.

I went to spectate him, but I couldn't. So, I concluded that he died, after killing my killer.

I will most likely never meet him again ☹️


Guys. I was in the default poor boy skin. That's gotta mean something...


(I accidentally put 4 as the date for the month and I went to exit out and WP was like, "Save change wrong!" Or wtv and then I realized I messed up. I wouldn't have known bro 😭)

Surprised I had a picture... HISTORY GUYS, HISTORY!! I even thought of that before! 🫶 Love that for me.

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