In Which there is the start of a birth

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Apollo looked at the screen in silence as he thought about how happy he and Lucrezia looked in the last viewing and that also brought up the image of her floating in his arms in the water.

The past demigods were just sitting in silence as they thought about how Apollo and Lucrezia along with their children looked like a family and it made them wonder why their parents couldn't be like that with them; the Apollo kids know that their father loves them and from his Lucrezia was with Will they know that they would never be unwelcome by her do they didn't feel anything but happiness for their father and also sadness that they would lose her.

Artemis just looked down at her throne in thought as she had been seeing a lot of different sides to her brother and yet she wondered if it was really that surprising as Hermes didn't think any of it was weird the only thing that made her sure of it, is that the rest of the gods also looked at Apollo in surprise and shock when he was shown being so domestic and most of all, mortal.

The screen turns on and we see the inside of a hospital room, it is obviously high dollar and then we see Lucrezia who looks like she is about to pop.

"Hoo, hoo." Lucrezia pushes out air quickly from where she is laying in a hospital bed.

Her face is a little pink and she gets a small grimace every now and then. She is obviously in labor.

The room looks at the screen in surprise as this was obviously a moment where Lucrezia gives birth although some look at the screen in excitement those one's being Apollo and his children, Hades looked at the screen in happiness along with Demeter.

Apollo however looked at the screen shocked as he saw her; she is only twenty one and while he should have expected that as he knew that Athanasia was only a year or two older, it didn't prepare him it.

Lucrezia has a very dark look of rage on her face as she looks at Jason who is sitting next to her bed. "Where is Apollo." She growls at him.

Jason gulps nervously. "W-welll." He stutters before trying to stretch out the word.

Lucrezia holds up her hand and Jason shuts up quickly.

"M-me??" Apollo stutters as he looks at those from the future questioningly.

"Yeah you were there for all the kids birth's but Helio and Seraphina had us worried for a minute." Jason says as he takes the lead in answering him as he was the one who was there with Crezia when she gave birth to the twin's.

"Why?" Artemis asked as she was curious although she wasn't the only one as both gods and demigods leanest forward in curiosity.

"He was a little late as it's showing." Future Percy said with a look of amusement on his face, he then smiles as he remembers that day.

Apollo smiles sheepishly as most of the people in the room's gazes fell on him; he believed the son of the sea when he said that but he also wondered what would have gotten him to be late to his own set of twin's birth when he was in love with their mother.

Lucrezia then turns to will. "Where is your father Will!" She asks the golden haired boy.

Will looks at her uncertainly. "I'm not really sure." He tells her but hurriedly says. "But I can go check if you want." When he see's the hurt and tired look on her face, knowing the stress isn't good when she's about to give birth to his siblings.

Will agree's with his future self; stress isn't good for when you're about to have a baby's for both the baby and the mother.

Apollo shoots his son a proud smile; his son with his healing hands and his sun warm demeanor, who had inherited the best of him with none of the worst.

Lucrezia nods. "Please do Will." She smiles at him weakly before a grimace crosses her face and she grip's Jason's hand.

Will nods as he looks at Lucrezia in slight worry as she continued to look hurt and tired and didn't look like she was regaining any of her strength.

Everyone else caught on to the fact that the future Will was looked at her worriedly and while they knew she survived they couldn't help but look at the screen in worry as well.

"She was just fine." Jason told them all.

That caught their attention as they all turned to see him looking at them reassuringly.

"Really?" Michael Yew asked them. He knew that she was fine but that didn't mean that something didn't go wrong it just meant she was saved.

"Yeah." Future Percy answered them. "It was more because he cared than actual worry for anything harmful"

He looked at everyone with a reassuring smile as he told them that; after all he knew what it was like to worry as he was at the hospital at this time waiting on the kids to come out.

Jason looks at Lucrezia as he wipes the sweat off her forehead. "It shouldn't be that long before Apollo gets here and in the meantime we can watch tv." He tells her with a smile.

Lucrezia giggles as her face eases a little as a bit of the pain passes. "We should, as Apollo will try to hog it when he gets back."

Jason started laughing as he remembered that. They had been able to light about that for awhile.

"HEY!!" Apollo yelled when he heard the two on screen before he turned to the blonde Roman in the room with them.

Jason noticed him and started laughing even harder to which Apollo looked at him indignantly.

"Yes,yes you will help her give birth but as you are so fond of reminding, you can multitask and you definitely watched TV." Jason tells him in response to the way Apollo looked at him.

Everyone barring those from the future all looked at Jason strangely because of how he talked to lord Apollo.

Apollo himself looked at Jason with an unreadable look on his face and a hidden look in his eyes.

"Well how about a break!" Reyna interrupted with an uncharacteristic enthusiasm.

Apollo and Hermes looked at her and could tell she was hiding something from him but they could do nothing about it as most of the people in the room agreed with her.

Everyone had gotten up and Apollo and Hermes watched as Reyna shot up from Hermes throne and grabbed Jason and dragged him out of the room by the arm.

Words - 1133

HOTSW Speaks!
Hello everyone this part is a little shorter but it also has a part two that I'm working on that will focus on Apollo getting there and the actual birth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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