In which they see family

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Hermes looked at everyone gathered in the throne room, he thought about all that they had saw and he wondered what changes this would bring.

Hermes also kept looking at the little praetor out of the corner of his eye, he had no idea why but he was drawn to the little demigod.

Which was why he started to notice when something was wrong and turned to watch her.


Reyna missed her family that she had left behind in the future, her son and daughter but she had to do this, after all Crezia was her sister and she would do all that she could to save her.

Reyna wished that she would have kept her guard up more especially when she and Crezia met HIM that night, she should have known something was wrong by the way he looked at Crezia, The obsession was so very obvious when you looked close enough. She should have know better, why didn't she, this was all her faul-.

Reyna jumped when she felt a hand grab her shoulder, she turned to see Jason looking at her in concern. " you good Rey." He asked.

she looked at him and wanted to say that she wasn't, that she felt like she was going crazy, that she didn't know if she could do this but Reyna was praetor for a year by herself, she had fought her demons and made it back, she was now a mother of two, Reyna could do this, so she looked at him and said." I'm fine jay."

Jason looked at her skeptically but nodded and turned his head to the screen.

Reyna breathed a sigh of relief but then she caught Hermes looking at her and knew that he saw her and Jason exchange, but that was a problem for later, for now Reyna turned her head to the screen.

Apollo looks at Lucrezia with a smile. "we were written in the stars." He told her with a smile on his face.

She looked at him uncertainly. "Do you truly believe so apollo."

He replied." Yes my Regina I do."

Hermes looked at his brother and Hades daughter on screen and wondered if he would find something like that, after all he was never one to have the epic love stories. That was all Apollo and he was fine with it, but that didn't mean that he did not want to find his epic love.

Artemis looked at the screen in contemplation, her brother being the god of prophecy did not often say things like this, as the mortals say, Willy nilly so she wondered if he actually saw this happening. She knew it would have had to be a time after he met her, likely when she was fifteen or sixteen,well if he did I have no doubt we will see, so might as well let the fates run their course.

The future demigods looked at the screen, at the irony, at the heartbreak of Apollo and Crezia's conversation because they knew it was true. Apollo and Crezia were a love destined to be together, destined to build a dynasty even Olympus couldn't shake, they were ha as Apollo said written in the stars.

We see the camp in winter then it shows the center of camp where a lot of the younger camper's are at, they appear to be watching something like a tennis match. The screen then shows what they are watching Percy, Jason and Lucrezia decorating a huge tree in. the middle of camp for Christmas.

"Sometimes you put a bunch of misfits together and you get a family, Sometimes you
get a bunch of Jerks." Percy said with a smile to the younger campers on his face while looking at Lucrezia and Jason

"Hey, we may be a bunch of jerks but it's Christmas, so when Santa squeezes his as-butt down that chimney, he is going to find the most jolly and polite jerks this side of the nuthouse." Lucrezia said censoring herself, while approaching Percy and Jason with enough manic energy that they backed up.

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