In which they see Shadows Run

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Everyone has shown up and got settled in their spots
Talking about what they had seen so far on screen.

The gods were shocked to see a daughter of Hades so beloved by the camps and especially by a son of Zeus and a son of Poseidon.

The past demigod's wondered what was so great about this girl that their future selves seemed to love and care about her so much.

All the while the demigods from the future were happy to be able to see Crezia so happy and more importantly so full of life.

They all then turned to what kept them here.

Lucrezia had run from her loved home The underworld, From Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-blood, she needed the time away from everything.

Hades looked at the screen in silence and a calm face.

All of the elder gods looked at each other with dread knowing that this calm means he was about to explo-

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY DAUGHTER RAN AWAY." Yelled Hades. His siblings flinched, yep he exploded.

"Yeah so... Crezia ran away from the underworld and from both Camps, you'll probably see why in just a minute." Said Jason nochantly while looking at the screen with nostalgia. Reyna nodded agreeing with him both were calm as could be.

Apollo looked at them and if Apollo didn't know that they were from the future, he would wonder how they were so calm he wouldn't be although that could just be because of the ways gods loved, all consuming, possessive and passionately.

Lucrezia di Angelo had been through more in her fourteen years of life than most people do in their whole lives that included demigods.

Aphrodite looked at the screen with shock, yes the girl was small but Aphrodite knew that she was naturally tiny so she thought she was older but she was hardly even a teenager.

Apollo heard what she had said about going through more in her fourteen years of life than most do in their entire lives and felt his Inner darkness rise to the surface, The primal thing that made him a god reaching to the surface, what made him Apollo, The destroyer, The gods of plagues and he didn't attempt to push it down because he knew if somebody took her from him this girl who made feelings lost since hyacinthus died rise again, then he knew nothing would be able to stop his rampage until he had her back.

Hades meanwhile felt like asking Poseidon to attack him with his trident because he knew the pain and misery and death that follows demigods like friends would be all because of him because he decided to have children with dear Maria and he would never forgive himself for the life he condemned his beloved daughters too.

She had expected it though after all everyone knew that a child of The Big three never really had happy endings although it seemed like her cousin's were determined to have them.

Hades looked at the screen knowing that was true and feeling sorry for it.

Apollo looked at the screen knowing that he'd make sure she had a happy life as well.

Jason had become a praetor of camp Jupiter again, he and Reyna still made an awesome team, Lucrezia enjoyed watching them in the meetings debating with the senate and the senators of new Rome, sometimes she joined in as the ambassador of Pluto those were some of her happiest memories.

Jason and Reyna smiled. They were happy that some of Crezia's happiest memories were with them a lot of theirs were too.

Reyna and Jason featured a lot in a good bit of her happiest memories they were family Jason who was so kind and protective of her, who had taken a look at the tiny girl and decided to become her big brother, Jason who had defended her against Eros.

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