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" The Lesbian Avengers. I don't even think we should be going to whatever this is."  Fantasia stared at the flyer. She had her suspicions, but she went because Taraji wanted to go.

"Baby, we are already halfway there. I think it's gonna be fun, and if it's not we can leave as soon as you want to."

Fantasia looked over at Taraji, pouting. " You promise?"

" I promise, baby."

They saw the lights reflect off the streets before they even saw the building. LIPSTICK MADAMES shined across the building in bold, red letters. There were a few cars out front and not that much traffic coming through.

"All these names- they're really gay around here." Taraji commented as she parked the car.

It was very quiet. You couldn't hear any music playing; no bouncers in the front,  no people staggering in.

"Okay, what exactly is this? Is it a party? Is it a meeting? Is it a SET UP?!" Fantasia started up

" You got the flyer in your hand. You tell me!"

After a short moment of observing outside, they decided to head inside. The door was so heavy, almost like they didn't really want you to come in.

They saw a store- a store full up lipsticks and different lip care products.

"What the hell?" Taraji started to have her suspicions too

The floor started to creek, but the two of them weren't moving. They stood still. Their breathing sped up, with every moment that passed.

" You ladies must be new around here." A short, black, heavyset woman appeared from the shadows of the other end of the building.

"JESUS?!?!?!?! YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME!" Fantasia grabbed her chest, trying to calm down her heart rate.

"RIGHT!" Taraji was bent over, with her hands on her knees like she had just ran a marathon.

They were drama queens.

"OH! I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that. I just came up to grab something from my car and I saw you guys looking lost, so I figured you were new and needed some help finding out where the gathering was. It's right down these stairs. You'll see everyone once you get there." She went on her way.

Fantasia and Taraji pulled themselves together and went down the stairs. The closer they got the more voices they heard.

It looked like someone's living room. It was vintage, outdated, but still very beautiful. There were sofas and loveseats all around. A makeshift bar sat in the corner, underneath the stairs. The lights were dim and warm. Jazz music played below the bantering. There were so many beautiful black faces- so many beautiful, queer black faces. Mostly women, but they saw a guy. Maybe he was there for support or to protect. Many of these people appeared to be middle-aged/older. It was a nice group for Taraji and Fantasia.

You could see some of the women glancing over at Taraji and Fantasia. Their looks were nothing more than just acknowledging their presence.

" Y'all made it!" Bebe called out, causing Taraji and Fantasia to turn around at the same time. " We were waiting on y'all."

"Y'all were?" Fantasia looked confused. Her suspicions might've been true

"Yes! Y'all look so good. The both of you!" Bebe said the both of them, but it was very clear who she had eyes for

" Well, what's all this about? I thought this was a party?" Taraji was still very confused

"Y'all will find out, soon, I promise you. Just take a seat anywhere you feel comfortable." Bebe ran off

Bebe stood in front of everyone, and they became quiet, all the focus was one her. " Thank you guys for coming out tonight. I know this particular meeting is a little bit abrupt, but I was so excited to share my idea with y'all." She chuckled and a dimple appeared right on her cheek. Her eyes were bright and hopeful. She wore all black. An all black suit, and she was shirtless underneath her blazer. It was an edgy kind of formal.

"You're probably wondering what in the world are the lesbian avengers. It was a group of six women that started a movement that helped aid in lesbian visibility and things concerning the rights of lesbians. I want to take that and make it black because of course we are oftentimes not included in the vision, so we have to create our own and make it better. 'I want our gathering to be more than social and parties, it's time that we build a community and help one another. We , especially, need to provide a safe space for younger people that need guidance and support while they navigate their identities. I don't have much planned yet, but I thought you beautiful ladies should be the first to know!" She paused, observing everyones reactions

The women all started to cheer, and clap. It looked like they had all received the greatest gift of their life.

" Let me know if there's anything, and I mean ANYTHING, I can help with. I'll do it in a heartbeat, baby." A woman with the biggest afro stood up and yelled out.

" Me too!" Other women started to volunteer their services.

Taraji and Fantasia sat, looking around trying to digest what they had heard. They weren't sure if this was something that they wanted to be a part of. Deep down they still were having a battle with their identities, and being a part of this community and having people see them, in this way,  was a big step that they weren't sure they were ready for. It was easier said than done, but they were going to be alright, eventually.

Bebe started walking over towards them after her speech. Almost ignoring all the people who waited to speak with her. Her focus was pointed towards the two women.

"Hey, what do y'all think of all this?" She smiled at them, oblivious to what they were enduring internally. They hadn't even said anything to one another. They tried to play it cool.

" I love it, Bebe. I think that is a wonderful idea you created. It is needed!" Taraji was the first one to speak. " I need to go to the restroom, I'll be right back." She got up and left.

Bebe watched her walk away, still oblivious. She sat down next to Fantasia.

" You smell so good!" Bebe leaned in to get more of Fantasia's scent

" Thank you." Fantasia became shy.

"So, how long have you two been together?" Bebe slid her chair closer towards Fantasia. 

Fantasia's heart started to beat harder. She wasn't sure why because she didn't even know this woman, but she was making her nervous. " We've been talking to one another for almost a month and we made things official like a week ago." She smiled, looking in every direction except  where Bebe was.

" Really? Wow! You guys are a beautiful couple. Both of y'all are so fine." Bebe stared at Fantasia trying to get her to focus on her. " You have some pretty lips." Bebe grabbed Fantasia's chin and turned her to look her way. " I'm sorry I hope that wasn;t too much. I'm just a very hands-on person."

By then, Taraji was walking back out from the bathroom. She had a big smile on her face. She saw Bebe sitting in her chair talking to Fantasia, but she didn't think much of it.

" I'm sorry, sweetie, I'm all in your seat." Bebe got up

"That's okay! We were just about to leave." Taraji looked over at Fantasia, and she immediately started to gather her things.

" Oh, okay. I'm so glad y'all made it out! Here's my number. Y'all can call me whenever." Bebe handed a small sheet of paper to Taraji.

Fantasia and Taraji were headed out the door. Bebe kept her eyes fixed on them, even when they were not looking.

" Y'all never told me y'all names!" Bebe yelled right before they got to the top of the stairs.

" I'm Fantasia and that's Taraji!" Fantasia pointed

They were gone.


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