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Almost a week after returning home from their short trip to Fantasia's family home, Fantasia was stuck. She was stuck thinking about if she made the right choice writing that note for her mother.

" I probably shouldn't have done it, raji, that woman will find a way to turn what I did into something negative."  Fantasia sat there allowing her mind to race.

"Baby, you have to stop worrying! I think you did right on your end. It's all in God's hands at this point." Taraji encouraged Fantasia. She really believed that this could be a turning point for Fantasia and her moms relationship. "Come on and eat something. You've barely been eating these past few days and that's not like you."

Taraji was growing more concerned with Fantasia, as the days went on. She never wanted to see her worrying about things completely out of her control. Taraji had been through enough to know this for herself.

An idea came to Taraji, and it felt like the solution for Fantasia letting go whatever she was holding on to.

"Get up! Let's go to a rage room! It'll be good for you- shit for the both of us." Taraji jumped up, abruptly. Deep down she was surprised she hadn't thought of this earlier.

Fantasia didn't really have any opposition to going to the rage room. She had never been to one, and she didn't even know if it would actually work, but she was willing to try anything that could help. 

" I'll drive this time. You are always driving, let me do it this time." Fantasia grabbed her car keys and they headed out.

The skies were grey, there was a cool breeze in the air, and it was drizzling rain, very lightly.

" I'm glad we might get some rain before the fourth of july." Taraji watched the raindrops sliding down her window

"Yea, cause people was gone be able to grill on the ground from how hot and dry it's been. Where exactly is this place at? " Fantasia drove more relaxed than Taraji: one hand on the wheel, seat back.

"It's gonna be to your right on star avenue, girl I'm surprised you don't know where this is."

" I ain't never been!"

The building looked closed, abandoned even.

"You sure this the right building?" Fantasia leaned over to get a better look from Taraji's window

"Yes, girl, it's a rage place. It's not gone be in the best looking building. Here's a parking spot." Taraji pointed to an area not too far from the front door.

Taraji started to get nervous. She didn't want to lose control over her emotions like she had when she previously came to a rage room. That was a while back. Hadn't she grown since then. She took a deep breath in hopes it would put her at ease.

Fantasia didn't know what Taraji was feeling, but she held her hand instinctually.

" Welcome to Raging , will it just be you two today?" The man at the counter greeted them as soon as they walked in. He didn't appear too excited. He didn't even appear to be bored. He was just... there.

"Yes." Fantasia answered with her sweet voice

"Okay, you will have twenty minutes in this session, safety equipment has to be worn the entire session, absolutely no throwing objects/weapons at other players, breakable items can be thrown at a designated wall. Your total will be fifty even. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. If not, you can follow me this way." He led them towards the back of the building.

The building's design was messy, which was an appropriate aesthetic for the place. 

"Enjoy raging!" He left the two of them in the room to put on their safety equipment.

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